Sunday, June 7, 2015

Fun at the Beach!

Hello everyone!

Well, I'm back from vacation and back to reality.  (Boo Hoo) We had the BEST time!  Looking back at pictures is like being back there for just a moment.  Here are just a few that I thought might sum up our vacation best.  

We went to New Smyrna Beach, Florida.  This is a great family oriented beach with lots of condos to choose from.  We stayed at Ebb Tide.  It was VERY nice!  

Here is the view of the pool from our room.

Here is the view of the ocean from our room.

We had a wonderful balcony that gave us a place to eat on one side and relax in a seating area on the other side.

The interior was posh!  

Here is our condo view from the beach.

My youngest (14) loved playing on the beach and trying to dig huge holes!!

He also loved riding the boogie board and jumping in the waves with his dad.

I believe my husband felt like a kid again playing in the ocean himself!

Here is my oldest son (21) relaxing in a beach chair.  

The ocean was so pretty.  We didn't go last year so it had been two years since I had seen it!

We were often entertained by these cute little crabs that would pop up out of their holes and run across the sand and then quickly duck in another hole.

One morning we got our camera out to capture the beautiful sunrise over the ocean.  Is there anything prettier?

We love seafood, so my husband found a seafood market to buy fresh shrimp and grouper from.  He cooked a couple of meals for us in the condo and we ate outside on the balcony.

One day, while the kids were sleeping in, my husband and I went into town and did a little shopping and ate lunch at a restaurant.  (This is a good perk of having older kids now!)

My husband's 51st birthday took place while on vacation, so when we got back home we officially celebrated with a cookie cake.

Now, guess what's happening today?  A big milestone for my 21 year old son...............he's moving out!  He's moving into an apartment with another friend and splitting the cost.  He's still working and going to college so this was his last step to becoming more independent.  Where has the time gone?

Thanks for stopping by!

Have a great Sunday.

~ Kelly ~


  1. A beach vacation is always good.

    Our last two family vacations were to the beach and people ask us why we visit beaches when we live on the beach. But, time away with family in a magical place is wonderful.

    Enjoy the smaller crowd in your nest!

  2. You were about 2 hours (if that) east of me :) Glad you had a great time. I luv the beach.. at twilight. I have to be careful of exposure to the sun . We are planning a weekend in Venice in 2 weeks, just the 2 of us. Like you saying, one of the perks of having big kids.
    Congratulations to your son :)
    Happy Sunday!

  3. Looks like a great vacation! I love the beach. Congrats to your oldest son!

  4. Looks like a great holiday vacation, the sea is always a place to recharge and take in some peace. The lunch looks fabulous Yum!
    Happy Birthday to your Hubby now it's offical he has entered his 50's
    Beauty and all things inspiring to you, happy JUNE


  5. Welcome home! It sure looks like y'all had a wonderful vacation! I love that pic of the sunrise over the ocean. So pretty! And oh yes, it's SO nice when your kids are older and you can sneak away for little dates with the hubby. :) Happy Birthday to your husband! And your oldest is moving out! Wow! That's neat that he'll be getting his first apartment! Congrats to him!

  6. Looks and sounds like you had a wonderful vacation!! It's been several years since I last saw the ocean.

  7. It looks like it was just perfect, Kelly! I had to look up where New Smyrna Beach was - I'd never heard of it. That sunrise picture is jaw-dropping gorgeous! I assume it was with your new camera! ;) Glad you had a wonderful time. It's wonderful that your son is finding is independence, and I imagine, bittersweet for you!

  8. Kelly,
    Your vacation looked so wonderful. Your pictures are so beautiful. That beach oh that beach. Swooning.
    Happy Birthday to your handsome husband. Your boys are so cute too. So happy for your oldest to be moving out and starting his journey away from home. It is so exciting to see him move past all he has been through to getting to a better place. I know you are so happy for him. While it is so great to see them branching out and becoming adults and carving out lives it is hard to see them grow up and move away. Glad your vacation was a great one.

  9. It sounds like you had a great vacation. The beach is so wonderful and I feel blessed to live within walking distance (in Santa Barbara, CA). You come across as very composed with your son moving to an apartment. How are you doing? My oldest will be going off to college in one year and I am already beginning to feel anxious (but I am trying to hide it). Do you have any tips???
    Michelle from

  10. Looks like a wonderful vacation. Cody is moving out?! I know you will miss him so much.

  11. What a great vacation! My brother and his family lived in New Smyrna Beach for years and loved it. I'm guessing it is bittersweet for your son to be moving out, but such a blessing that he is able to do financially. Do you think he will be back to do his laundry, lol? Hope your week gets off to a great start! Jane

  12. Kelly, I am glad you had a good time. Smyrna Beach is about an hour from us so we go there occasionally .

  13. The picture of the morning sun is gorgeous, I'm glad you had a wonderful time!

  14. Looks like a great vacation, Kelly. How great that your older son could make the trip with you. And how nice, a husband who cooks!

  15. Beautiful photos Kelly! How nice to spend a family week at the beach before your son move s out.

  16. Something about beach vacations that are so restorative. I could stare at the ocean for hours! Your accommodations looked just about perfect. Beachfront+balcony=perfection.

    All the best to your son and this new chapter in his life. I'm sure he will love being on his own ;).

  17. Looks like a perfect vacation..I haven't been to the beach for a very long time..I miss it..I could just sit and watch the ocean forever..Great sunrise shot..Happy Birthday everyone!!

  18. Kelly looks like a super time. Beautiful sunrise and views. Happy Birthday to your hubby even though it's passed


  19. Welcome home Kelly!! Your beach vacation looks wonderful. What a beautiful place. So glad the hole family had such a fun time together!!
    Wow, your son is moving out, what an exciting time in his life!! I hope he doesn't move to far from mama!!

  20. Looks like you had a great vacation!
    I remembered when my oldest moved out!! I must have cried for a week.
    Then got over it when he came back. They all need to try it!

  21. This looks like such a wonderful family time...and full of memory-making, as your oldest prepares to go out on his own...xo

  22. That condo looked wonderful and what a great view...glad you had a great time...Happy Birthday to your hubby and congrats to your son on his new apartment!...I am sure you will be eager to decorate it!

  23. I grew up in SoCal and spent my young life at the beach. These type of photos bring such joy to my heart! I'm so glad you were able to enjoy such a wonderful trip! Many happy memories were made, I'm sure! Now, don't cry too much about the oldest moving out, sigh, where does the time go? Many blessings, Cindy

  24. LOVED this post and LOVED 'meeting' your husband! I think this is the first time I have seen a photo of him!

  25. Makes me want to go to the beach...beautiful


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly