Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Empty Room

Hello everyone!

You may recall, that I shared in my last post, that my oldest son was moving out.  Well, he has officially completed his move and now I am left with an empty and sad looking room.  You may remember when he was away at boot camp in 2013 that I redecorated his room.  I was so proud of it.  It looked like this.

It looked a million times better than it did before and he loved coming home to it.  But now, unfortunately, it looks like this.

It sort of made me feel like the way the "Who's" must've felt like in the movie, The Grinch Stole Christmas.  I went up there to see it after he said he was done packing and loading up his truck.  Every little thing had been taken,  down to the last coat hanger!  His closet is completely empty (I haven't seen that since we moved in 20 years ago).  

He took everything but his bed because he bought a bigger bed for his apartment. 

He even cleaned out his drawer in the bathroom that had previously been so full you almost couldn't close it!

So, I guess I will need to find some furniture to fill up this room again and do some touch up painting that is needed.  Oh, and I'm going to paint his closet which hasn't been touched in 20 years!  I guess I now have my first guest room.  

We visited him in his new apartment last night and brought him some much needed kitchen and bath supplies.  It was so strange to see him living somewhere else.  But, we're very happy for him to be starting his own independent life.  I found myself trying to suggest things to him, such as "you need a mattress cover" and "you need a coffee table and lamps".   I guess it's my nature to want to take over and cozy up the place.  But he seems content with living with less right now.  I think he's just happy to have his own place for the first time.  Me?  I'm just hoping he will eat good (I saw a giant pizza box sitting out on the counter and poptarts but not much else in the refrigerator).  My worrying has already started.  

So, I'm on a new journey without my oldest son living at home now.  Hopefully, it will get easier.

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. It's definitely a change in your life, his life and that of your family. I wish both him and you well.

    Have fun decorating.

  2. AAaaahhh, congradulations to BOTH of you! For him for taking the step to be responsible and independent, and for you for all that you do as his Mom. What a fine time for your family. Enjoy your new space and don't worry too much about pizza and pop tarts. I remember living off of Ramen noodles, pop tarts, and Tang in college and I survived. All of that made me appreciate my Mom's cooking even more so I'm sure he will be frequenting your house for some good meals in the near future. LOL :)

  3. Congratulations Kelly! I'm sure it must be weird, I'm dreading it already. It will be a fun distraction for you creating a lovely guest room!
    xo Sally

  4. Oh boy...such a big change! It is good that he wants to be independent, but it is hard for mama! I'm excited to see what you come up with for the room. I'm sure it will be gorgeous!

  5. I know he is into the healthy thing so hopefully those food things were temporary. Pizza is okay, but Poptarts not so much. Maybe those were his roommates. Have fun decorating the guest room.

  6. A mom is always a mom. It's hard to let go, and I am not looking forward to when that time comes for us.

  7. :) 2 years ago, I went through that feeling. Our eldest left the nest.... Being a Mom never stops, and we still want to suggest... help... It is hard for us to turn it off :)

  8. He will figure it out over time. :)

    Our older son is 25 and lives alone. He cooks pretty great meals now in his crock pot and has friends over often. They just have to go through the junk food phase and get tired of it.

    You'll feel weird for awhile but it will pass.

  9. They all need to leave the nest sometime.
    It's usually when they marry,
    I know you will pour yourself into decorating the guest room.
    Hugs, Linda

  10. Hang in there mama!! I can imagine how you must feel. But al least he is close by where you can visit him and bring him home make cookies and meals! He didn't move across the ocean like I did to my poor mama back in the day!!
    Now think about how much fun you are going to have redecorating his room!!
    Congratulations on bringing such a wonderful young men up and raising him to be independent, mature and a responsible human being!!

  11. Is was in the same boat with my son, but left with my daughter, she is in college lives at home and plans to for awhile, wanting to have a career plan first with no road blocks in her way of a hasty move.... But you never know?

    I am sure you will make that room a peaceful place, and on his visits he may be having to share it with a bit more chic then Manly :)


  12. New stage for you with your son gone. Sounds like he lives close by so I'm sure you'll get to see him. I remember when my kids moved out, it seemed so sad and empty, but now hubby and I are loving this stage!
    Mary Alice

  13. It's hard to get used to at first, but this is what you raised him to be, smart, and independent. It sounds like he's not too far away, so that you can still see each other often. I know for us, once we got used to this new stage of parenting, we started to love it! Good luck!

  14. It's hard when they move out, but I know you must be proud of his independence, too!

  15. I'm all choked up reading this, Kelly, of course, thinking about my own son moving out someday. But, as they say, we've got to let them fly, and you've given strong wings!

  16. Kelly...it was hard on me when my oldest daughter got married and moved out of home. It just seemed stranged that she wasn't at home anymore. My youngest moved out and lived in an apartment for a year, but has now come back home. She loves her job, but some weeks they have tons of work and overtime, but other weeks there is little or no work.
    It seems really strange at first when they leave home, but it will get easier and the mom in you will still worry.

  17. Oh. How wonderful for him! Sad for you, I know. How fun to decorate a guest room. I can't wait to see what you do with it.

  18. Kelly
    It is so hard when our kids start to show independence. I know you are so proud of him. Great that he lives close. How exciting you have a blank room to have fun redecorating. I can't wait to see what you do with it

  19. I always say...we shouldn't worry about our kids when they move out, we should worry about them if they don't!

    I'm sure the pop tarts are temporary. He just needs to get settled before he starts doing any cooking and serious food shopping.

    You're going to have fun decorating a guest room, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you choose.

  20. It must be hard when your kids grow and leave but how exciting for him. You'll never stop worrying. You're a mom. My mom worried about us . I think it's natural.

    Pop tarts have to go. He probably needs to get settled.

    Have fun doing the room


  21. Now you get to decorate it yet again..Can't wait to see what you do with it..

  22. Oh I bet that is strange to see his empty room. It sounds like he's not too far away though, so that's good. I'd be doing the same thing with bringing him supplies and such. :) I bet they'll get tired of pizza and poptarts and become interested in cooking soon. You never know...he might start to become quite the cook! :)

  23. Dear Kelly I know what you are feeling all to well. I have been through this with four. It is never easy, but it does get better and you actually start to like have your nest a little lighter. Have a beautiful day. Jo

  24. Little birds have to learn to fly. Think of the fun you will have making this into a pretty guest room! I see lots of thrifting and flea marketing in your future.

  25. Awe...it will get better! I have 4 sons that all moved out one at a time. It was so hard....but that is what your job as a parent is. Raising them to fly on their own!

  26. OH my goodness! Bless your heart! My son is 12 and I can't even think about him leaving. I know we are supposed to raise them to be successful and have their own lives, but, to me, he will always be my baby!

    I know you will have his room looking perfect in no time!! You will also have fun taking in care packages. I lived on pop-tarts when I first started teaching :-)

  27. well ya know....as soon as you complete that beautiful, personal, guest room, he'll realize how expensive it is to live out of the house and he'll return home. All because you made it into YOUR room and didn't keep it his. At least that's been my experience with 3 kiddos that moved out. They all returned...for a brief stint. Good luck. Sound like fun times ahead! And ch-ch-changes!

  28. After my first left for college, (I was 36) I felt like I had been fired.
    By the time the 5th one left home, (I was 45) I was a little better...but the house was too quiet...
    Now at 50, and with four of those five married, and my 6th Grandbaby (GB) on the way...well, I am just a happy camper...
    All that to say...it's only lonely for a bit...for both sides...
    and then you get to be a grandparent (GiGi in my case) and then you are the best thing since ice cream! (again!)
    Now, go fix that room up quick! I made mine into a sewing studio and took up quilting...hehehe :) seriously, hugs to you sweet lady...you can do this.

  29. oh gawd, I feel for you Kelly..First the playground gets torn down and now this...lol...HUGS from WA

  30. Ok....you know when it got easier and I worried less? When my oldest had a female to help take care of him!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly