Monday, July 27, 2015

If At First You Don't Succeed.........

Hello everyone!

You may recall. last month, that I tried my hand at growing succulents.  I thought they would be a cinch since they don't need much care.  Also, my confidence was high since I was able to grow orchids and most people have trouble with those.  But, it was not meant to be.  I may have over watered them because the soil kept looking so dry.  Or maybe they didn't get enough sunlight since I didn't have them close to a window.  But whatever the cause, I gave up on them.  

Here they were in their glory.  (May they rest in peace now.)

I decided that if they died, then I would simply replace them with fake ones.  So, that is what I did!  And let me tell you, I don't miss the live ones at all now.

Can you even tell a difference?????  I know I can't!

The secret to making them look so real is using real clay pots with real soil.  These succulents came from Hobby Lobby.

I just picked out a variety of different ones (they are sold individually) and brought them home.

I pulled out the dying ones, and plopped in the fake ones in the very same pots of dirt!  Couldn't get any easier than that.  

And behold, I have a great looking succulent garden in my kitchen now.


Only this time, they require nothing more than a little dusting every now and then.  Talk about easy!  Now, that's my kind of plant.  

So, what do you think?  Good thing I'm not afraid of fakes.

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. 'Fake' plants are so much more realistic looking than they used to be! There is no way I could ever tell the difference with these succulents.

  2. I've always thought real succulents looked fake so jumped on the artificial bandwagon long before the succulent craze came along. I remember several years back adorning a friend's Christmas gift with some I had paid through the nose for at Joann's and could see from her expression that she thought it was odd. I wonder if she kept them...or wishes she had? I found some great artificial succulents at the dollar store this past spring. I like your idea of using real potting soil!

  3. I would have never guessed they were not real!!! I am trying to grow succulents right now but if they die I am making a trip to Hobby Lobby to buy some fake ones!!!!! They look great on your fromage platter :o)

  4. Wow I thought they looked real!
    I have no problem growing succulents outside but inside I'm just like you...they die. Maybe I over water them.

  5. Don't feel bad I have killed them, too. Those faux ones look great!!

  6. Kelly they look very real! I kill my every time, I guess I just overly love them. lol Jo

  7. I didn't think anyone could kill a succulent, but then I have never tried.

    Your artificial plants look amazingly real.

  8. Those look amazing!! I would never have known they are faux. I had a pretty epic fail with a Shefflera plant this spring, but it is still trying to hang on. I had good luck with one orchid for about two years, but then it died. I really want to try one again when I find the right shade of magenta:-)

  9. I honestly can't tell the difference! The real clay pots and real soil are a great idea! They make such good replicas today that there's really no need to mess with live ones. :)

  10. My succulents did not do well over the winter because of lack of sunlight, but I cut them back and New one are now growing. I also am propagating new plants from leaves off of the old ones. It's a fun process for me. enjoy your faux plants. They look great. xo Laura

  11. I have to say you can't tell they're fake at all. I may have to come and grab the Fromage piece. I'm hoping I can score one some day


  12. I can't tell the difference either Kelly. They look great, and I love your cute little clay pots.
    xo Sally

  13. Wow..nobody would ever guess!

  14. I think it makes much more sense. They look just as nice and no watering. What more could you ask for?

  15. I don't have a lot of spaces for plants to sit if they want the outdoor light. I bought a faux plant for the front porch one year cause it needed something extra and there were no more plants to buy. I ended up leaving it on the table all winter long! That's the wonder of them. They never die! Glad I'm in good company! Have a great week! Diane

  16. You are funny, Kelly, AND smart!!

  17. I'm with you! Funny, I just threw out another one of my succulents today that bit the dust. Well, my kids wanted them, but didn't take care of them so I tried, and so it went....I have a black thumb so I wasn't really surprised. I've seen some adorable fake ones and have been tempted to buy. Guess now's the time. Maybe the kids won't even notice:)

  18. They DO look real. It is pretty remarkable. Like you said, I think the key is the real pots &soil. I am going to try my hand at some, too. I like the "chicks & hen".
    Michelle from

  19. I can't grow them either and the next time I'm in Fort Worth and close to a Hobby Lobby - I will take a look at what's available in the 'CARE FREE' section!!!! Love the way yours look!!

  20. Wow Kelly those do look real. No watering or fuss love it. They all look awesome.

  21. I couldn't do succulents either. I went the faux route too. Those look so real. Love them.

  22. What a fantastic idea! Those are my kind of plants! :)

  23. Kelly, I killed my succulents too! Your faux ones look great so I need to go shopping.

  24. They really do look real...what a great idea!! This is perfect for me, because I just look at a plant and it dies!! LOL...

  25. I'm been wanting to get some fake succulents too. They are so real looking and no maintenance. I love how you stuck them in the dirt!

  26. I have one fake succulent, too. It does look real, but I like the idea of putting it in real dirt. You're in good company -- I killed my orchids! Impressed that you did well with those!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly