Friday, August 28, 2015

Adding Romance to a Room

Hello everyone!

I recently moved this statue out of my powder room and into my family room next to the fireplace.  I love the romantic style of it and with it being grey (cement) it coordinates perfectly. 

Did you know this thing is solid cement?  It is SUPER heavy!  That's probably why, when I move it somewhere, it stays for a very long time.

I bought it years ago at an antique store that is only open once a month and various vendors set up for it.  So, it was a great score!   I got the crown from Decor Steals and it fits perfectly on her head.

She has been everywhere throughout my home,  from the master bathroom and powder room, to my front steps outside.  But for now, I think I'm enjoying her in my family room for awhile.

I hope you have fun plans for the weekend ahead.  We may try to go to a movie tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. She looks gorgeous next to the fireplace and really does add a bit of romance. So funny, I was just thinking about doing a post on adding romance to a room this morning. I think it's because we're having such nice weather and the windows are up - puts me in a good mood. I never thought of something like this, but she really does the trick. Have a great weekend!
    xo Sally

  2. Kelly,
    She looks beautiful in your family room. What a great statue and love her crown.
    Have a great week end.

  3. I love her. I can't believe you found a crown to fit so perfectly.

  4. Oh I do like your new little friend....and that crown is the icing on the cake!!!

  5. Your statue is so sweet, Kelly, and looks great in its new spot.
    Mary Alice

  6. She looks great in that spot, Kelly. Her size makes her a perfect addition to the hearth! You scored a beauty! Blessings, Cindy

  7. She's adorable, Kelly! I hope you had help moving her around- you don't want to throw out your back! Love the crown, too.

  8. It just occurred to me Kelly...I think that is why I enjoy your style so much. It's romantic, and I miss that. It's hard to have that style in a log cabin :/.

    She looks right at home, and the crown is 'the crowning touch' lol

  9. What a great piece! I love that it's so sturdy that you can have it outdoors too if you want. The crown is the perfect touch! Enjoy your movie. We just added a streaming plan to our Netflix account, so I've been watching a lot of movies lately. :)

  10. This is the second blog I have visited this week with a great cement statue....I have had my eyes open for the perfect one old or new as long as it felt old and looked old for my home. Size would matter in my home of cozy room space unless it was grand and stuck in a corner. One for me would take center stage perhaps placed on the coffee table chest, or a bedroom as you have done with your sweet beautiful Cherub.

    Now visiting you makes me want one more then ever, I must keep my eyes open your home inspires this piece perfectly.


  11. Now she will be easier to enjoy in the family room.
    The crown is a perfect touch.

  12. She looks great on your fireplace!!

  13. She looks just beautiful by your fireplace! I just love that you added the crown!

  14. Love this statue - and the crown just seal the deal!!!
    Michelle from

  15. She looks perfect in your family room Kelly and I love the crown!

  16. I love the statue indoors, Kelly...and the little crown is such perfect whimsy!

  17. I love your angel!!! I have a cement statue of an elegant lady that is standing outside by a gate. We got it from Amber's house - they were going to have her hauled off! We also got a two piece water fall 'thingy' that we are going to use in two separate ways. We need a bird bath in the back gardens and I am going to use the Lion's head back piece to sit out in the front garden! Win! WIN!!! But talk about HEAVY!!! I hope you didn't try to lift your angel by yourself!!!

  18. Love the bit of romance in the room.

  19. So sweet and that crown is perfect for it! Hope you have a great week, Kelly.

  20. It is beautiful there!...I love statuaries on the hearth...


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly