Friday, August 7, 2015

Relaxing in the Family Room


Are you glad that the weekend is just about here?  I know my son is.  He just started back to school yesterday and is ALREADY counting down the hours till the weekend.  What a slacker!  For me, personally, I'll be glad when the weekend is over since I have to prep for a colonoscopy on Monday.  So, Sunday will be b.o.r.i.n.g!  

In the meantime, I will be relaxing in my family room.  I made a few changes to the sofa pillows and the coffee table.  Nothing extreme, but I was ready for a change.  

I brought in my weathered grey wicker tray and added a bucket of flowers and prayer beads to it.

On my sofa, I brought out more grey to contrast against the white slipcover.  

A comfy throw is always welcome too.

Luckily I was able to lighten up these pics since we've been having some rain lately.  Much needed rain, I might add!

I hope you all have a great weekend!  

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. No Kelly, your Sunday night will not be boring!

    The prep for a colonoscopy is far worse than the even itself!

  2. I totally love the sweater throw! It look so soft. I also adore the prayer beads. Where are those from???
    Have fun relaxing.
    Michelle from

  3. hi Kelly, I wish I could hang out with you in your gorgeous family room!!!! LOVE all the pillows and the throw....where did you get the sweater throw from again??? Good luck on Monday!!! No FUN!!!!

  4. Beautiful!! The contrast of the grey on the white is so crisp.
    UUgghh... no my friend, Sunday will be busy for you. The pre before the procedure .... Will be sending good thoughts your way on MOnday.
    Hugs, Gee

  5. Such a pretty family room. I love the throw and those pillows too. We desperately need some rain. Hopefully we'll get a good rain storm soon. My hubby just had a colonoscopy and he did great! We heard horror stories about the prep, but he said it was nothing. I was surprised at how quick the procedure was too. Good luck! :)

  6. You have a wonderful living room - I love your taste.

    Maybe consider adding a rug for the sitting/table space to ground it?

    I loathe colonoscopies - the prep is awful, have you ever had one? It's not boring it is HECK and I mean with the double Ls!

    I will be thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers Monday all works ok for you. My sympathies! ♥

    Enjoy your lovely space in the meantime. And golly schools are starting much too soon, what the heck!?:

  7. It looks so cozy in your the throw...just makes me want to curl up for a nap!

  8. Hi Kelly,
    I am next on this list, and super freaked out to have this procedure done, so I feel you.
    If any comfort my friends who have went through this all tell me it's not that big of a deal, so take comfort in other's before you.
    Prayers of comfort, calm, and peace be with you.

    Your photo is soothing, and very calming.

    Thank you for your presious visit.



  9. Hi Kelly,
    Your family room looks so comfy and cozy and inviting. Would love to curl up on your sofa with that lovely throw. Good luck with your colonoscopy.

  10. I assume since you're fairly young this is your first procedure? You've heard it before, but the procedure is nothing to be afraid of. The prep is less than pleasant though. My advice is stay close to home ;).

    Lovely changes btw!

  11. Looks great Kelly..Love the grey/white combo..Good luck with your colo..No big deal..The prep has gotten better..

  12. Good luck! I just had mine in May. Your room looks gorgeous, as always.

  13. Kelly, your living room is warm and light and cozy! Good luck on Monday! Before you know it, it'll be over. Always so nice to visit here. Diane

  14. Kelly your home is so beautiful. I would just sir for hours and enjoy the beauty of it. I would love looking out your huge window. (I live in a basement, not many windows.) I don't envy you having to have a colonoscopy. I hate them! I would rather die than have one. lol I know that they really can save lives. Enjoy your weekend. :) JO

  15. I love your living room and your pretty, as always!!

  16. Your room looks lovely. I especially like the textures and colours of the pillows and throw. I hate the prep for that. Best of luck. Even though I know your summer vacation starts earlier than ours, I can't get used to hearing people are back to school already. We don't go back until Sept. 8th. I'm going to try and enjoy every minute that remains before we head back (and I go back to work.)

  17. I always love your living room. I start school tomorrow and can just cry as I have had a superb summer.

  18. Your room always looks so comfy and so pretty, Kelly! Love the gray wicker tray with the galvanized bucket of flowers.
    Mary Alice

  19. Beautiful as always, Kelly and I hoped you enjoyed your relaxing Sunday - although you have by now discovered there is nothing relaxing about colonoscopy prep, lol! Thankfully the actual procedure is easy peasy. Thinking of you today! Jane

  20. Your living room always looks so comfy and inviting, Kelly. Our piano is (hopefully) being moved today, so I can hardly wait to start moving furniture around! I hope you're done with your procedure and it went well. Not fun! I've got 4 more years before I need to have another. Whew!

  21. Hope all went well with the colonoscopy, Kelly! The prep is a pain in the rear (haha); glad it's "behind" you! I'm just full of bad colonoscopy jokes! The family room looks like the perfect place to relax - it looks bright and cheery even in rainy weather!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly