Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Thank Goodness Monday is Over!

Hello everyone!

Well, I can rest a lot easier now that my colonoscopy is "behind" me!  (Sorry for the pun.)  The reason I had it done, was partly due to my age (50) but mainly because of my ulcerative colitis.  I have had it now for 9 yrs and was having some mini flare-ups.  I didn't know that's what I was having until the doctor saw that my colon had some inflammation.  So, she increased my meds and that should solve the problem.  She also took some biopsies and will let me know how those look in a few weeks.  Other than that, I'm good!  Whew!  

So, I was relieved to know I could resume my normal diet yesterday.  My husband whipped up the best tasting pork chops, so I thought I would share that with you today.  It's called pan seared pork chops in a white wine sauce.  It was VERY easy and not expensive.  I will provide a link to the recipe at the end of this post.

First, you will need these ingredients.  (We deviated slightly using a different meat seasoning though and used vegetable oil not olive oil that is shown.) 

Begin by seasoning your pork chops.

Then, add them to a pan of melted butter and oil.

Sear them on each side.

After they're seared, remove them from the pan.

Then, add onions and garlic to the pan.  (We left out the onions.)

After that is cooked,  add white wine and water.  

Then, place your meat back into the pan and cover.  Cook for about 20 minutes until cooked through.

You can also put this in the oven if you prefer that method.

When it's done, you are ready to eat!  We served ours with homemade mashed potatoes with brown gravy and seasoned broccoli.  We poured some of the juice from the pan over our meat.  It was as good as what you would find in a restaurant!

The complete (printable) recipe can be found HERE.

I hope that you will give this a try!  

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Glad things went well for you! Your pork chops look so delicious....I'll have to try the recipe some time.

  2. Looks wonderful and easy to make. Glad you've got that test behind you. I've done it twice and the worst part is the prep drink the day before.

  3. So glad all went well for you on your test!
    Those chops do look GOOD!!!

  4. So glad things went well Monday! I had to laugh at your pun! Lol! Thanks for sharing this recipe. I can almost smell it cooking now. Yum! I always forget about pork chops. I finally made some the other day (just a simple shake n bake) and my boys loved them! I should try this recipe with them, I'm sure they'd love it.

  5. Happy that all turned out ok! The pork chops look delish!

  6. Glad everything came out okay - pun intended!

    And what a great dinner!

  7. Oh lucky you. Hope results will all be okay.

  8. Oh lucky you. Hope results will all be okay.

  9. Glad your test is over, I have UC too. Your pork chops look delicious! XxDazee

  10. glad that's over and you ca now enjoy food again. IT looks delicious. We (Italians) use wine in many, many recipes

  11. The porkchops look yummy. I wish I were close enough for leftovers. I'll have to write down the recipe in case I'm in the mood to cook some day. So glad all went well with your colonoscopy. Hope you're feeling better. They always do biopsies when they are in there. they get more money for that. Have a good evening.

  12. Sounds like a recipe that I do with chicken. That wine sauce really is good.

  13. FIFTY!! everything goes downhill from here.....just kidding!
    Glad everything went well. Sounds like a great recipe!

  14. So glad to hear you got that over with and things look good. I'm due for my first one, due to age :( but I can't say that I'm chomping at the bit to have it done. But I do know how important it is so I will be getting it as soon as I can get my nerve up. Pork chops look yummy!

  15. So glad that everything went well.

  16. Yeah, those are just no fun. The food looks delicious though!

  17. Kelly, The pork chops look wonderful! I know you are glad that procedure is over. I hated drinking that awful tasting stuff for my colonoscopy..

  18. I'm glad your colonoscopy's over, Kelly! Now you can celebrate with a delish dinner like you've shown us today. Yum!

  19. Love that pun :).

    A friend went to a cooking class and they made pork chops and she said they were fabulous! You know how sometimes they can dry up pretty quickly? Well, she said the trick is to constantly turn and baste them. I tried it and it worked really well. I'm sure your chops were wonderful (they look it!), but just thought I'd pass that along just in case.

  20. Hi Kelly,
    Glad you had great news on the colonoscopy. I think the prep is worse than the procedure so glad that is over and you did it yeah!!! Your dinner looked sooooo good. Have a great week.

  21. Happy the test went well. My husband had his not to long ago and said to me, I don't know what the big deal is with the 0rep I didn't mind the stuff you drink. When I told our family and friends they thought he was crazy. I said, remember, this is the man who likes cough medicine and chewing aspirin


  22. I'm gonna let this prime opportunity for jokes pass by, because in the end it's for your own good.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly