Saturday, September 12, 2015

Accessorized Cabinet and Dog Update

Hello everyone!

 I am happy to report that my dog, Max, is doing much better.  He had a surgical procedure to install a drain in the lower part of his eye socket on Wednesday morning.  They kept him overnight and I brought him home on Thursday.  We have to give him antibiotics, pain meds and ointment every day.  He is wearing an e-collar (which he hates).  

Can you see the drain?  It looks like a little coffee straw.  That keeps the "goop" from filling in his eye socket and making his eye worse.  

Here he is all spread out on the floor yesterday.  He looked pitiful but he's actually doing pretty good.  He has been playing, and even went on a walk yesterday evening.

The only thing left to recover is his eating.  He isn't eating like he normally does.  So, I bought him some different food and I'm actually hand feeding it to him.  It has been exhausting taking care of him.  It's like having a small child in the house again!  

Since his eye is draining, I made a special spot on the sofa for him.........towel and all!

Now for the pretty part of this post.............

Remember I was tweaking my glass cabinet in the family room?  I wanted to change it up slightly.  I decided to just add some crowns and greenery to the mix.  I removed the baskets and took out some of the pitchers.

Since this cabinet is on a busy wall with the fireplace and TV,  I don't want it too cluttered.  That's why I don't get too crazy with it.

I haven't started Fall decorating yet, but I'm happy that it finally feels like Fall today!  It feels so good outside now.  I plan on taking Max on another walk later on too.   He loves his walks!

And speaking of cooler air, we have plans on building a fire pit in our back yard, so we need to get started on it very soon!  Our vet bill ran over $900!  Gosh, that would've given us a mighty nice fire pit huh?  

Oh well, I'll take my dog over a fire pit any day.

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. So glad Max is doing better. Yes dogs come first.

  2. you're a good puppy parent. he's so cute, glad he's getting fixed up!

  3. Hey Kelly! I'm so glad to hear Max is feeling better, wanting to play is always a good sign. Your family room looks so pretty, not cluttered at all. It's still muggy here, but the air is starting to cool a bit. Wishing Max a speedy recovery!
    xo Sally

  4. I'm so glad to hear your Max is doing better!!
    Yeah, things cost so much! Vets, firepits!
    Louis Dean put a 28 foot deck in front of our camper and just told me this morning how much it costs! And that was with HIM doing the work!
    Guess that deck is our vacation!

  5. Poor little guy...I'm glad he's doing better!
    Loving the new pretty!

  6. I've thought about Max a lot. Just came back from my daughter's house, and their dog is a rescued Boston named Gizmo. As I told you, the vet bill for my two just days after my first ankle surgery was $1100! But that was for both. Hope he can take that thing off soon.

  7. Glad Max is doing better...poor little guy...he looks so pitiful in the photos. After our dogs dental procedures this week...I feel your pain with the vet bills. But we love them, don't we?

  8. Sorry to hear Max has been having eye problems but happy that it seems to be on the mend. The cabinet is very pretty and with space between the pieces it sort of makes them look a bit like sculptures.

  9. Kelly, You are a good mommy to Max. I am glad he is doing better..

  10. I'm so glad your dog is doing better. It is so stressful when they aren't feeling well - and they can't even tell us how they are doing. BTW, I really like the crowns. The simple look of your shelves is lovely.
    Michelle from

  11. OMG Kelly that picture of Max spread out on the floor!!!! I am so glad he is doing better. Poor guy.
    You are so good to hand feed him and pamper him some. It is hard when you cannot explain things to them or they cannot talk back to us to let us know what is hurting etc. Hang in there he looks better already.
    Your cabinet is beautiful. Love the simple look. Have a great week end.

  12. Poor Max. The picture of him all flat on the floor is sad He doesn't like that halo. Hope he heals well and he starts eating soon.
    That is a beautiful piece of furniture.

  13. Poor little puppy, for some reason dogs just don't like wearing lamp shades! So glad he's doing better though. Love the cabinet, mostly those great crowns!! Blessings, Cindy

  14. Max is a trooper---and SO cute! Milo wore one of those cones after his hip surgery for two sad. He learned to eat with the front of the cone flat on the floor! He slept with his head hanging off the bed. But it worked. Bless your little guy and love to him.

    Your cabinet is gorgeous!

    Jane x

  15. So thankful that Max is doing better. Our pets are very precious to us all. Love your home and decorating.

  16. Oh that eye sure looks sore, but glad he is on the mend.
    I do the same if they don't eat...hand feed them. You know they are part of the family.
    Wow that's a hefty vet bill.
    Raining heavy here today and the temps are in the 40's. brrrr.

  17. Max's face is so expressive! It looks like he's saying 'Mommy, please take this silly thing off of me'! Poor baby :(. What an ordeal, and what a bill, but he's worth it.

    Love the cabinet Kelly, and it doesn't look cluttered at all. Just perfect!

    It's finally raining here a bit. We really needed it!

  18. AAwwee!!! Glad Max is feeling better. Our fur babies.... Master Vic took precedence over a new dishwasher and stove a couple of months ago when he took ill and we had a massive Vet bill. GULP. But yes.. pups come first. The stove and dishwasher will come in due time.
    We redid out fire pit area this summer and Ai can't wait to do the first light of the season... if it ever gets cooler here.
    The cabinet is very nice :)

  19. Max is worth every penny..Is he on antibiotics? Maybe they are affecting his appetite..

  20. Oh my...$900?! Ouch! That hurts just reading it. Unexpected bills are the worst. We recently had to replace our fridge and our hot water heater, so I feel your pain. Glad Max is doing better. I haven't been on my computer all weekend, but actually came here just now to see if there was an update on him. Such a sweet boy and worth every penny. :) I recently found out our local grocery store will fill pet prescriptions too. I thought that was so funny. They're supposed to have good prices on them too. I like all your crowns. I adore crowns and am always wanting to add more to my decor.

  21. Poor little froggy doggy. He looks so dejected. I hope he won't have to ear that horrible collar for long.

  22. Awww Max!! Poor little guy!! Glad he is doing better Kelly! And honestly I think them wearing the e-collar is harder on us than them huh?

  23. Kelly, have you tried feeding him some canned pumpkin ? Mine love it and it's so good for them! Also shredded chicken with rice is always nice when they aren't feeling like crunchy kibble. Dalton, Buddy, and Sofie wish your Max a big doggy Get Well !!

  24. Glad to hear that Max is doing okay. Hope he is 100% better real soon.

  25. Poor Max. He looks so pitiful in the pic. I'll bet he'll feel a lot better once the collar is off, too. Glad he's doing well. Don't you love this cooler weather?

  26. I'm so glad to hear that puppy is on the mend! I hope his appetite picks up soon! Your cabinet re-styled looks so lovely! I just adore th way the crowns look in it!

  27. ohhh no poor little Max. so glad he is feeling better....

  28. ohhh no poor little Max. so glad he is feeling better....


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly