Monday, September 14, 2015

Just a Smidge of Yellow

Hello everyone!

I hope your week is starting out well.  Mine was hectic this morning between taking my son to school  an hour early for a test he had to take and dealing with road construction the whole way there.  Then, I came back home just in time to take my dog to the vet for his follow-up.  He got his drain removed and they took him off his pain meds.  He goes back on Friday to see if we can remove the e-collar.  He's finally eating better and even gained some of his weight back since his last appointment!

So, with all of the stress that I've been under lately, I'm wondering if that is why I chose to add a smidge of yellow to my kitchen.  It's such a happy color.  I don't like a lot of yellow (like I used to) but a pop of it here and there is just right.

Can you see that smidge????

There it is.  Peeking out on that pillow.  I like how it looks with the grey curtains.

I also lucked up on a HUGE sale at Michaels recently and found these extra deep lined wire baskets.

I was hoping to find one with the number 1 on it but couldn't. So, I just turned one around backwards.  It is another number 3 basket. I like that these are deep enough to hide what I put in them.

And one more pop of yellow peeks out of this basket at the end of my kitchen cabinets.

I think these yellow pillows will look nice mixed with Fall decor whenever I get around to putting it out.  I've really enjoyed seeing all of the inspiration out there that everyone has done so far.  It has even been feeling like Fall here too!

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Just the right amount of yellow. Beautiful cushions!
    So glad to hear that max is doing better.

  2. Yikes! It sounds like you have been under a lot of stress with your puppy dog. I like to start my fall decor with yellow.
    Love those pillows.

  3. Hang in there. Life just throws too much at us sometimes. It will lighten up. :)

    A smidge of yellow is always good. :)

  4. I hope you get to have a wonderful relaxing evening snuggling with Max

  5. I hope you get to have a wonderful relaxing evening snuggling with Max

  6. Yellow is good! Love to poor Max.

  7. You can probably print out a #1 in a similar font and stencil it onto the liner. I bet no one would know that it didn't match exactly.

  8. Kelly, I am glad Max is doing better. I like the hint of yellow and the baskets are wonderful.

  9. I was just thinking that the yellow would mix nicely with Fall colours. One of the beauties of neutral backgrounds is being able to try out other colours. Hoping your week improves :)

  10. I love it, Kelly...I've been really into that color this fall. The baskets are awesome! So glad Max is nearly back to normal!

  11. A little color always helps to warm up a room. Your yellow touches are just right, Kelly.
    Mary Alice

  12. I'm glad your dog is feeling better, Kelly. Yellow is a happy color and I like to use it in my gardens to pop on overcast days. Cute new pillows and baskets you found for your kitchen!

  13. I'm so glad to hear Max is doing better.....fingers crossed he will be able to get his cone off SOON!!!!! Love the new pillows, very pretty!

  14. Kelly your kitchen looks so pretty with the pop of yellow. So glad your little pup is doing better!

  15. Kelly your kitchen looks so pretty with the pop of yellow. So glad your little pup is doing better!

  16. Glad Max is doing better. Love the pop of yellow in your kitchen. I have some baskets like yours, but mine are not numbered. I found mine at Walmart several months ago.

  17. Pops of yellow always make me smile. Glad Max is on the mend:)

  18. I love yellow! Our guest room is painted butter yellow and it's a happy feeling room. The mix of your bright yellows with your grays and graphic stripes is looking fresh and cheerful. Love the look Kelly!!
    xo Sally

  19. Love the pops of yellow! So pretty with the gray, and cheerful and fresh! The baskets were a great find! ~Rhonda

  20. Looks good Kelly. Yes fall is trying. 52 this morning but will get into the mid 80s each day this week. Loving the morning. Have a good day .

  21. Glad Max is feeling better. It's always a bit stressful when our fur babies aren't up to par.

    A little bit of yellow is a good thing. It's such a cheery color, and goes so well with grey.

  22. I love the pops of yellow. Such a happy color and I love it combined with grey. I bet you could stencil a number 1 on that basket if you wanted. I love those big sales at Michael's. I need to visit there soon.

  23. Yellow can make many things better ... your "smudge" is very pretty and looks great in your kitchen (love your new baskets, too)! Glad your furry baby is feeling better.

  24. Glad to hear that your pup is feeling better! Love the pops of yellow. I am not decorating for fall until it is fall, lol. But you are right there are wonderful inspiration posts out there...lots and lots of them.

  25. I like your smidge of yellow, Kelly. xo Laura

  26. Hi Kelly,
    Smidge is such a great word!!! I think your touches of yellow are perfect.

  27. So glad your dog is finally feeling better! Yellow and gray is a great combination, and the little bit you added adds a lot of cheer!

  28. Love all of your "smidges" and glad that your precious one is getting better....

  29. Now, on to this week! We hope you'll join in with your decor, vintage, DIY, tablescapes, creations and yummies… in other words, pretty much anything STYLE related. Grab our party button and add it to the bottom of the posts you link up: So, with all of the stress that I've been under lately, I'm wondering if that is why I chose to add a smidge of yellow to my kitchen. It's such a happy color. I don't like a lot of yellow (like I used to) but a pop of it here and there is just right.home fixer

  30. Tones of yellows with all your tones of grays, beautiful as far as I'm concerned.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly