Monday, January 25, 2016

Did you Survive the Blizzard of 2016?

Hello everyone!

I hope that if you're reading this, that means that you're inside a warm house with the power working.  I know so many of you in the Northeast have had a rocky weekend.  Hopefully, the worst is behind you now.

Here in my neck of the woods, we just got a light dusting of snow but we endured extremely cold temps and gusting winds.

As you can see, we escaped the big blizzard!  

But it was fun anticipating the snow and my son was happy to have school closed last Friday.

Yesterday, the temps rose and melted the little bit of snow that we got.

I'm happy to see the sunshine again!

Now, we're onto our first big house project this week.  We will be painting our son's bedroom.  He's getting a new gaming computer soon, so we will be getting him a computer desk and chair for that too.  I'm looking forward to updating his room since it's still painted baby blue and looks so young. We're painting it Linen White (like the rest of the house) and updating his light fixture and window curtains.  When the weather permits, we'll spray paint his bed frame and dresser.  I can't wait to share the changes with you soon!  

By the way, did any of you catch the new show on HGTV called Hometown?  It premiered yesterday.  It's from a blogger in Mississippi.  It was very similar to Fixer Upper.  I really enjoyed it.  I hope their show gets picked up!  You can read more about it HERE.

Hope you have a great Monday!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Dear Kelly!
    I am looking forward to see the room of your son. I think it will look great
    Hugs Kuni

  2. Yes, we didn't get much snow. Poo. I did watch that show and loved it! HGTV, please pick this one up as a regular!!

  3. Kelly, Glad you did not get tons of snow. Those that did will be digging out for a week or more...where do you put that much snow in the cities. It all has to be hauled away to a remote area....lots of truck loads. Let's pray for the east coast. Blessings to you and yours, xoxo,Susie

  4. Hi Kelly, looking forward to seeing the transformation of your son's room. We only got about a foot of snow here, thankfully, which is so weird, since NYC got 30 inches and it's only 20 miles away. Guess we got lucky with this one! Some of it should melt today.

  5. My kiddos are home today here on the coast of Virginia. The side roads are still packed with ice and snow in some areas. The sun is shining today here too so hopefully it will melt.

    How fun for your son to get an Essence Of Home makeover! Can't wait to here more about it. xo

  6. Hi Kelly,
    I will have to check out that new show. I am excited to see what you do in your son's room. Have a great start to the new week.

  7. Looks like you survived the big Winter storm! I have never heard of that show - I will have to check it out. I read the link you gave us. Seems like a show I'd like!

  8. my kids were so bummed that we didn't get more snow. they had school the entire day when the county schools were out. I didn't tell them that part.

  9. We ended up with about 3 inches of snow and most of it is melted now. Looking forward to seeing your son's room makeover.

  10. I can't image what the people in the northeast have experienced. Your snow pics are pretty but glad things are getting back to normal for you.
    We had no snow but lots of wind and cold temps. I hope most people did not lose power.
    Your son's room plans sound nice. You'll have it done in no time I'm sure.Have a great week. Hope things are going well with your issues.

  11. Hi Kelly! I cannot wait your son's new room. I am sure it's going to be gorgeous!
    We did survive the storm, thankfully we didn't loose power. We got about 8 inches of snow!
    Yes!! I did watch "Hometown" on sunday and I absolutely loved it. I sure hope it stays and becomes a regular show. HGTV needs more shows like this one and like fixer upper! Do you know the name of her blog? I love her style and I wold love to visit her blog!
    Thanks!! :)

  12. Hi Kelly,
    The big snow fall missed us this time around...we only got a few inches. It has been a warmer winter here in Ohio so far...we still have February to go. Yes...I watched the new daughter told me about it.

  13. Hi Kelly. Your neighborhood looks so pretty and you did get some snow. That is the fun kind and the kind that we normally get, but haven't seen for awhile. I didn't know that show was on so will set my DVR for next Sunday. This is only my opinion, and I can't speak from experience because I haven't seen them yet nor have I seen her blog, BUT, they will have to go a long ways to beat Chip and Joanna in my opinion. Just sayin' and will let you know..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  14. Hello Kelly, we got the snow about 15 inches and had school delays and early dismissal last Friday before the snow started! Have fun doing your son's room!

  15. We got just a few flurries here in central Alabama---we weren't expecting any snow, so we weren't disappointed.....but I really did want a little bit of snow!
    I know you're looking forward to the changes in your son's bedroom. I really need to paint, too, but find it is easy to put off. Hope your project goes well.
    Thank you for visiting my blog. Have a great week!

  16. Thank you for posting this blog! This is when all you want to do is get warm in your house and turn on the Cincy

  17. I saw "Hometown" too and loved it! How neat that you got a little snow. That seems like just the right amount to me. We got colder temps and rain, but no snow. How fun to re-do your son's bedroom! I've seen lots of bed frames spray painted and they seem to hold up great. Can't wait to see what all you do!

  18. Shockingly here in Montreal we missed the big " dump " it bypassed us completely !
    Didn't see the new show - sounds great though if it's like Fixer Upper !
    Can't wait to see your boy's room - know I'll love it :)


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly