Monday, February 1, 2016

My Son's Bedroom Progress and Other Changes

Hello everyone!

What a busy weekend I had!  My husband painted our son's bedroom  and I painted his furniture.  We hung a new light fixture in there too.  That's about as far as we got!  I bought a new curtain rod, so we will hang drop cloths in there and we still have to put together his furniture (gaming desk and chair). Then we will arrange his furniture and can call it quits.  

Here are some progress pics.

It was nice to finally paint over the blue walls that were in serious need of repainting!

Some of his furniture even gravitated down to our dining room.

So, nothing looks pretty right now.  Of course, it won't really be a "pretty" room when it's finished anyway.  It's for a teenage boy that loves his electronics.  So, it's going to probably look more like a dorm room!  

While my husband was painting upstairs, I did a little painting downstairs.

I made some changes to our family room.  I was actually in the mood to bring in a little bit of yellow!  I've lived with it a few days now and really like it.  So, that must mean it's here to stay for a little while.  

Did you notice some changes?  I'll share more with you soon.  I'm looking forward to getting my son's room finished this week.  Right now, he's having to sleep in the guest room!  

I'm also expecting delivery of my new kitchen appliances this week!  So, I'm sure I will be sharing some pics of those soon as well.

Hope you all have a wonderful Monday.

~ Kelly ~


  1. How exciting Kelly!! Sounds like you guys had an exhausting weekend, but you got a lot done so that's great. We worked in the yard all day Saturday and took it easy on Sunday. The weather was so nice (and still is!)I always love yellow, and your yellow touches are so cheerful! xo

  2. ohhhh I can't wait to see the changes in your sons bedroom, going from big boy to teen ???? AWWWWWW, does he still have his Legos???

  3. Sounds like you had both an exciting and productive weekend?!?! Love the touches of yellow you added too. Can't wait to see your new appliances :o)

  4. I always think a bit of yellow brings cheer into a home.

  5. Busy busy weekend for you. Can't wait to see Will's room and your new appliances.

  6. Did you paint your coffee table? I seem to remember it being gray? Or maybe I'm crazy. :) Everything looks great! I love the yellow. In fact, when I bought my pillow covers at Hobby Lobby recently, I noticed they had some pretty yellow ones and I made a note to get them someday because I love how the yellow will go with my new blue touches. I love switching up pillows and accessories. Can't wait to see more of your son's room and your new appliances. Lots of exciting things going on over there!

  7. Love your touches of yellow!! Can't wait to see your new appliances. I'm sure your son will love his room when it is all done.

  8. I cannot wait to see your son's room and your new appliances!! Painting and redecorating is always so much work. But it is exciting fun work!.
    I am loving the yellow accents and I cannot wait to see more!! :)

  9. Sounds like a lot of fun things going on in your house, Kelly! Painting is a wonderful way to freshen up a room. Loving the pops of yellow here and there in your home. New appliances are always a welcome delivery!
    Mary Alice

  10. I don't think I've seen you use yellow before!
    You are always painting something and it ALWAYS turns out pretty!!

  11. The yellow accents are a nice soft pop of color in your living room, Kelly! And your son's room is coming along nicely, too. It always seems to disrupt the whole house when a room is getting painted, but it's worth it in the end. Can't wait to see your changes!

  12. Looks like a creative time around there...looking forward to seeing how it all turns out! Love the pops of yellow...

  13. I don't like to paint, but the end results are worth it. Can't wait to see it all done. I also love the basket weave yellow vase, so cute.

  14. I little yellow is perfect for winter looking towards spring. Sounds like you will be busy for a few more days.

  15. I have a friend who is the ultimate in shabby chic decor - long before it was stylish. My daughter was spending the night there about 20 years ago and she came home to tell me that even the son's room was shabby/cute. We laughed and agreed that they was no way my son would ever go for that.

  16. Ohhhhhh the appliances are coming, now that will make for a great week!

  17. Sounds like you got a lot done this weekend. Looking forward to seeing the big reveal! Yellow is always cheery, especially in winter. Getting the new appliances will be exciting !

  18. I am sure Will is going to really like his new room. I really like the lighting fixture


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly