Monday, May 9, 2016

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Hello everyone!

How was your weekend?  I hope it was a good one.  I hope that you had a nice Mother's Day with your family too.  Mine was good.  My oldest son brought me flowers and my husband cooked out a great meal on the grill.  He fixed one of my favorite meals for me.  

After such a relaxing weekend, it was difficult to re-adjust to Monday morning coming so early.  I nipped that in the bud though with a good work-out and then ran some errands. 

I thought I would share some pics of our yard since we're finally getting some pretty flowers blooming around us.  The weather has been so nice lately, but today is a bit too hot for me.  It is in the mid 80's today!  I prefer the 70's.  

Our house sits up on a hill with lots of trees around it.  So, I'm thankful for the shade it provides us during the hot months.

We are waiting on our "pinestraw guy" to bring us some pinestraw to put out around our bushes.  So, just ignore how bad that looks for now.  

One of my favorite things in our yard is this hydrangea bush.  It came from the photographers that took pictures of our house for Romantic Country magazine a few years ago.  It has grown dramatically and I'm looking forward to seeing the blooms on it this year!

I have a lot of irises in our back yard.  I don't know which kind they are, but they never fail to appear in the Spring.

I love knock-out roses since they're so hardy.  They will bloom throughout the summer too.

We have some old fashioned climbing roses on our mailbox too.  

The funny thing about these roses are that I thought they were dead one year.  So, I planted honeysuckle in it's place.  But, to my surprise, the roses weren't dead!  So, now I have a bit of a tangled mess of climbing roses mixed with honeysuckle vine.  At least they co-mingle well together and smell wonderful when they're in bloom.

I hope you enjoyed my little flower tour today.  I finally put out fresh bird seed in my bird feeders so the squirrels can enjoy them too!   Ha!  

Have a great Monday!

~ Kelly ~


  1. I don't have any roses planted this year. I had some climbing roses in TX, but I haven't managed to keep them alive in a container yet.

  2. Fun to see the pops of color appearing in your yard Kelly! Enjoy the sunshine... ~julie

  3. Everything looks so beautiful Kelly. I hope to start my flowers in a couple of weeks on the new place. Glad you had a great Mom's Day. Enjoy the new week ahead.

  4. Your flowers are looking so pretty, Kelly! My knockout rose leaves get eaten by something right after the first bloom, so I was wondering if you spray your roses with anything to keep them healthy. Love the climbing rose on your mailbox!

  5. all your blooms are looking so pretty. When we moved out to the country we decided to use pinebark instead of the straw, not sure why. WHen I lived in duluth I always remember seeing those straw guys with 500 bales of straw in the back of their trucks. Hope all is well!

  6. Honeysuckle and roses are my FAVORITE combination!!!!

  7. Absolutely beautiful Kelly!! I just love when all of the gardens start to come back to life. How fun that you have a "souvenir" of sorts from your RC magazine shoot.
    I hiked on the nearby trail yesterday and it was fragrant with honeysuckle!

  8. Kelly, your yard is always beautiful...glad your hydrangeas are blooming too!

  9. May flowers are always welcome...Nice pictures..We are having May showers..Better late than never..Enjoy your week..

  10. Your home and gardens are always so pretty! My next thing is to plant some more bulbs because when the husband dug up the excess monkey grass, he also got some of the lily bulbs. My daddy always grew irises, and I think I need some of those next.

  11. Your blooms are gorgeous! It's so nice that you have all the shade from the big trees too. It certainly helps to cool the house. Your knockouts look great. I love how low maintenance they are. I only have one in my yard now, but it puts on a show almost year round. :)

  12. I love all your pretty flowers!! We had a lot of rain here too and the flowers are starting to peek out. I will remember this Mother's Day for a long time. Went to my granddaughter's birthday party and the next day....8 people were sick. My granddaughter, my two girls, and my dad and my oldest daughters best friend's family. My Dad was so sick that we had to take him to the hospital. Everyone is okay now.

  13. The flowers are so beautiful. I especially like the hydrangea it looks like it is loaded with buds. I hope you show another picture when it blooms.

  14. Because we didn't get horrible weather in April I feel like we are ahead of our yard work, but nothing blooming for me yet. I need to go look at my hydrangea bush, I'm not sure it is even there!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly