Friday, May 6, 2016

What's Been Happening Around Here

                              Hello everyone!

This week has been a very busy week.  I wasn't able to post on Monday because we were having new carpet installed all day!  It was for our upstairs bedrooms, hall, and stair case.  I can't begin to tell you how much I love the new carpet!

There isn't any way to get a good picture of the texture of it, but it's so plush and creamy in color!  I love walking barefoot in it.  I also love the new carpet smell!  It's been 20 years since I've smelled that in my house.

      It's practically the same color as what I had before but 10 times more plush and soft!

Then, on Tuesday, we celebrated my youngest son's 15th birthday.  We got him a cookie cake and took him out to dinner.

Since he loves gaming on the computer, we gave him some money for downloading some games he wanted.

On Thursday, my sister and I celebrated Mother's Day with our mom a bit early.  We took her out to see the movie, Mother's Day.   Despite some of the unfavorable reviews, we loved it!  It was hilarious and after seeing how great Jennifer Aniston and Kate Hudson look in their gym clothes, you'll be motivated to go work out!


Click HERE to see the movie trailer.  

My husband and I went out to eat last night at our favorite Mexican restaurant for Cinco de Mayo.  It was very good!  All of the waitresses were dressed up in folkloric Mexican dresses like this.


Well, we made it to Friday!  Hallelujah! My husband is planning a cook-out for Mothers Day this Sunday.  I'm looking forward to that.  I hope you mom's out there have a wonderful Mother's Day too!

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. When we first moved in about four years ago the previous homeowners had put in new gray colored carpet in our master bedroom. I thought for sure I'd be switching it out for hardwood. But, the carpeting is so soft and cozy we'll be replacing it with more carpet when the time comes. Yours looks so fresh and comfy. Happy Birthday to your 15 year old and Happy Mothers Day to you. xo

  2. Nothing beats the smell and feel of new carpet. Happy Mother's Day, Kelly. xo Laura

  3. We are carpet free and have been for many years, so I don't remember the smell of new carpet :) However I am sure it is a good thing .
    Change is always exciting . We are having the windows in teahouse changed and the front and storm door. I am pretty happy!!! Lots going on over here this month. I talked about some of it on the blog.
    Happy 15th to your son.
    Happy Mother's Day weekend!!

  4. Happy New Carpet! Your carpet looks soft and pretty. Happy Birthday to your son.
    Happy Mom's Day to you too.

  5. Your new carpet looks great!! Happy Birthday to your son. I'm making my granddaughter's 16th birthday cake today. Her party is tomorrow.

  6. Sounds like you had a super busy week! Your new carpet looks great....I love the smell of new carpet too. Happy Birthday to your son Will :o)
    Happy Mother's Day!!!

  7. Love the smell of new carpet. I just had the master bedroom carpeted in my newer home. I just like to feel carpet when I'm in and out of bed. Plus, with Bella (my pet) getting older, I was afraid she would not be able to jump from the tile to the bed. Isn't it amazing what we do for our pets? But, then, isn't it amazing what they do for us?

    Happy Birthday to your son and happy Mother's Day to you.


  8. New carpet, oh how fun that must be! I hope you enjoy a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! Blessings, Cindy xo

  9. You've had a busy and fun week, Kelly. I loved hearing about it! First of all, Happy Birthday to your son! I used to make cookie cakes but I can't begin to think of where my recipe is!!

    Your carpet looks a lot like mine which we having our family room and office. And yes, it's so soft compared to the wood floors and area rugs.

    I heard bad things about this movie but I never pay attention to that. Look at all of these talented actresses!!!

    Happy Mother's Day!


  10. Oh how lovely!
    Happy belated birthday to Wil! My son's bday was on the Monday, number 2 son, Bill.
    Thanks for the update on the movie, wondered how it was.
    Happy Mother's Day Kelly!

  11. The carpet looks so soft and comfy. You certainly had a fun and busy week. Happy Mother's Day.

  12. I love how new carpet makes your house smell new again. It's so refreshing to spruce things up like that. Happy birthday to Will! My kids love cookie cakes too. So funny that you mentioned gym clothes...I've been researching workout wear lately and decided I need to get some new things. I'd like to try the Zella brand, but it's kind of expensive. Anyway, enjoy your weekend and Happy Mother's Day to you!

  13. You're too funny! I never thought about new carpet smell, but I suppose it's the same as new car smell. Enjoy the softness underfoot, and have a Happy Mother's Day cookout!

  14. Sounds like you have been keeping busy..Happy Mothers Day..Enjoy that new carpet..

  15. Happy Birthday to your son, Happy Mothers Day to you, and Happy Carpet to everyone :) It looks luscious!

  16. ahhhhh new carpet, lucky you!!!!!! Happy Birthday Will!!!!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly