Friday, May 13, 2016

Homemade Southern Banana Pudding

Hello everyone!

When I married my husband, I enjoyed going to his parents house regularly and eating a lot of delicious homemade southern food.  His mom was a great cook!  After she had a stroke, she was no longer able to cook her delicious meals anymore.  So, in order to enjoy some of the foods she used to prepare, I had to learn how to make them myself!  One of my favorites was her banana pudding.  Now, when I asked her for a recipe, she was the kind of gal who just knew it by heart and whipped it together quickly.  So, I didn't really ever get a specific recipe to follow.  But, I did remember that she made it completely from scratch with meringue on top.  So, I went searching for a comparable recipe online and found one that seemed to match what she made.  You can find it HERE.  You can actually print the recipe from this site and you'll be able to make it yourself.  It is so GOOD! 

Now, my pictures don't do this recipe justice, but I wanted to share the step by step process so you can see it's not too difficult.  It's just time consuming.  

First, preheat your oven to 325 degrees.

Combine flour, sugar and salt in a saucepan.

Then separate your egg yolks from the whites and beat the yolks with milk.

Pour this mixture into the dry mixture in the saucepan.

Stir and cook until the mixture thickens. Remove from heat and add some vanilla extract.

Begin layering your pudding with vanilla wafers and bananas in a 13 X 9 pan.

Pour 1/3 of your pudding mixture (from the saucepan) over this.

Continue doing this 2 more times.  You will have used up all of your vanilla wafers, bananas, and pudding mixture by this time.

Now, let's make some meringue!

Simply use the egg whites you saved along with some cream of tartar and some sugar and beat until stiff peaks form.  Add some vanilla at the end.  

Then, spread this meringue on top of your pudding mixture.

Bake it in the oven for about 25 minutes.

The meringue will be light brown and the pudding mixture will be hot!  It is delicious warm, but will thicken if you put it in the refrigerator.  

One bit of advice, try to make sure your top layer on the pudding (before you add meringue) is vanilla wafers.  It will help keep your bananas from turning brown.  Once you cut into it, you expose the bananas to air and they will turn brown. They are still safe to eat and taste the same, but don't look so pretty!  I also advise storing it in an airtight container. You can also dip your bananas in lemon juice to prevent them from turning brown too.  I have not tried that before but  heard it works.

I forgot to get a pic of it on a serving plate, but it's pure yumminess! 

Hope you will give this a try.  Let me know what you think if you do!

Again, click HERE for the printable recipe.

Have a great weekend.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Sounds delicious Kelly!! Banana pudding is my hubbys all time favorite dessert. I'm sure I don't fix it for him often enough. I'll have to give this one a whirl. Have a lovely weekend! Xo

  2. I haven't had banana pudding in forever! Yours sounds wonderful.

  3. Looks and sounds delicious! I used to make this for my girls when they were young, but I took the quick route and used packaged vanilla pudding and there was no meringue on top.

  4. Yum yum! Just pass me some through the screen!!

  5. This is exactly how I make my banana pudding too!!! It really IS delicious!!!

  6. I have read about banana pudding in novels set in the south and wondered what the big deal was - now I get it. This looks absolutely yummy!

  7. Now I'm hungry for Banana pudding!!

  8. Oh it looks good. And you get a serving of fruit.😊

  9. Yummy Kelly! This is one of my favorites. Never had it with meringue on top so that must make it taste so delish. Happy Week End.

  10. Nothing better than "niiler" pudding and "niller" wafers with bananas...Never had them with meringue..we just used whipped cream..Thanks for sharing..

  11. Banana pudding is so good and brings back such sweet childhood memories. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I love the meringue on top. I bet your family enjoyed it!

  12. OK, this got pinned. There is a bunch of banana lovers around here. Pun intended!

  13. Kelly this recipe looks fantastic!!! I am so going to make this for my crew. I know dipping apples in a lemon water will keep them from browning because I have done it. Think it should work for bananas too. Thanks for sharing your family recipe and have a great day!
    XO Barbara

  14. This sounds outrageous! I'm hopping over t get the recipe!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly