Friday, May 20, 2016

My "Store" in the Basement

Hello everyone!

You know how some people shop their house for items when they're looking to make changes to a room?  Well, I shop my basement!  Recently, my husband and I cleaned out our storage areas in our basement and now we actually have room to see everything and walk.  We took a lot of stuff to Goodwill and to a couple of consignment shops.  I thought I would share my storage area with you so you could see where I store my excess decorating items and holiday goodies.  

My husband built large wooden shelving units to hold my many "smalls".  I didn't want to box them up and then have to look through bins to find them later.  So, this lay-out works just like I'm going shopping.  

My shelves are organized by the type of category that the item best fits in.  I have an area for baskets, naturals (such as antlers, sea shells, branches etc) plants, wooden trays, glassware, wooden crates, white dishes, metal ware, lamps, pictures, faux flowers, furniture, lanterns, clocks etc.

I like that the middle of the room is empty now and I can walk up to the shelves and find anything I need easily.

I have my faux flowers stored in jars under our stairwell.  A clamp light provides light for that area.  

I might still need to clean out the floral area.  It's spilling out into the room and I could probably get rid of some more stuff!

Wherever you see a bag, it's covering something with fabric (like a lampshade) from dust.  We keep a de-humidifier in this room too.  It drains water out through a hose and dispenses outside.  That has done a great job keeping the humidity level down and my things from getting mildewed and musty!  I highly recommend one if you store things in your basement.  

This probably looks like a lot of stuff, but you should've seen it last week before we cleaned it out!  You don't even want to know how bad it was.  It looked like a hoarder's house on TLC.  I'm hoping to make some decent $ from the items I'm selling at the consignment shop now.

So, in order to keep my house from looking like a store, I'm storing my extras in here.  I can't tell you how nice it is to be able to just come down here and find something I need on a whim.  

Do you have a special place in your home to store extras?  

Hope you all have a great weekend!  My son is coming home tonight from his Savannah trip and I can't wait to hear all about it.

~ Kelly ~


  1. whoa. I thought I had a lot of extra decor, but your basement looks like a shop. love it.

  2. I could LIVE in your basement! Our home is quite a bit smaller than yours but I have a TON OF DEBRIS! Fall is stored in the house attic, Christmas in the old playhouse, while sunflowers, Valentine's, patriotic and spring are all in the attic of the storage building outside! The. There's the nook and crannies in the house where I have squirreled away things! I'm trying to downsize a bit on everything but fall and I can never have too much FALL! Loved seeing your 'Store!'

  3. You are SO organized! I am in complete awe. I'm going to Pin a photo of your basement to inspire myself.

  4. I have somewhat of a pile in our basement. lol I'm slowly going through it and posting on Craiglist or finding places for it upstairs. It's too overwhelming for me to think about all at once, mostly because if it made to our basement it's something I hate to part with. xo

  5. That is awesome, Kelly! I have a big closet but things are somewhat piled and dangerous. :)

  6. I miss having a basement. They are so great for storage. Do you have a seperate wing in the basement for your pillow collection? lol!

  7. It's great to shop yourself! I do have some storage area in my basement, too...but not as organized as you!

  8. this is wonderful Kelly, I'm slowly headed in the same direction. It makes things so much easier!

  9. ohhhhhh look at those treasures!!!! I am seeing tons of things I would soooo steal!!!! You better install a sec camera in the basement!

  10. I'm on my way to shop! :) Great job organizing and such great treasures... Have a great weekend! ~julie

  11. This makes me really really really miss my basement! When we downsized, we only have an attic, and there are a lot of things you just can't store in an attic. (life candles...)

    You are almost as good as Martha Stewart! I remember seeing a show about her basement (in one of her houses) and she had all these huge shelves with big clear trunks (labeled and alphabetized of course) so she could find things. It made me feel like such a nincompoop!

  12. Good grief..that's a lot of things..Nice to have all that storage..Makes me glad that I don't have a basement anymore...

  13. I would love to have a basement to store stuff and work in. My garage and closets hold decorating items and stuff for projects. You are so lucky to have all of that space. I love how you organized it so you can see what you have.

  14. You have it organized well Kelly. Now I really know I have very little in accessories! There's no room for it if I did. It's great you can see what you have and I imagine will save you time and money in the future.

  15. What a great idea to have them on a shelf where you can easily see what you have. My extra stuff is in crates in the basement, but I'm thinking I might do what you did.

  16. I am working really hard to get my garage straightened up for that type of storage. I too have more than I need, so I take a bag or two to goodwill every week or two. A little at a time. You've done a great job on your basement "store"! It sue is nice to be able to pick up what you need easily! Be sure to stop by the blog and enter my give away. Blessings, Cindy xo

  17. You're so lucky to have a basement. We can't even store things in the garage or attic because of the heat. I have a couple of plastic storage containers in my closet that I keep a lot of extra decor in, and everything else is stuffed into every corner of our master closet. Ha! I like how you've organized things too. Makes it so easy to find what you're looking for.

  18. It makes sense to have the stuff out where you can see it, then you will more likely use it. But I'll take that stack of crates off your hands.

  19. Oh my gosh, I need a space like that! I don't have nearly as much stuff, but I do have a giant mess!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly