Monday, June 20, 2016

A 50th Birthday Party with Friends

Hello everyone!

How was your weekend?  Did you have a nice Father's Day yesterday?

  We went to a friend's 50th birthday party on Saturday night.  It was at their new house in the country.  They bought a fixer upper and have done a great job on their house.  I think my favorite part was their new brood of chickens!  They have quite a large flock too of about 16 total.  Two of them turned out to be roosters too.  Their property has several acres and came with a few outbuildings on it.  One of them was turned into a wonderful chicken coop!  Check it out!

This building has 2 rooms.  One holds their chicken supplies and the other opens into the indoor part of the coop.

Here is the inside of the coop.

The chickens enter through this little doorway from outside.

It was kind of dark in here so I wasn't able to get very clear pics but this is the feeding side.  He made these pvc tube feeders for them.  He even set up perches by using long tree limbs in the corners.

Their watering station is in the middle and the nesting boxes are on the opposite side.

Here is their outdoor play yard.  It's completely enclosed from top to bottom in chicken wire.

He added long tree limb perches out here too. 

It was getting dark, so these pics aren't the best (sorry).  Now, you're probably wondering where is this big flock?  Here they are!

He let them out to run free while we were out there to watch them.  They immediately ran under the bird feeder for food!  

There were more than pictured here.  I just couldn't get them all photographed at once.

His wife, had some beautiful deep purple hydrangeas planted out back too!  I would love to have these at my house!  

These pictures don't do them justice.  I took these with my i-phone at dusk.

We ate a delicious dinner of grilled chicken (how apropos) and wonderful veggie sides.  Then for dessert, we had homemade carrot cake.  It was baked by a friend of theirs that makes cakes and sells them.  

There's the birthday boy wearing the hat!

There was also a cookie cake for those that didn't want carrot cake.

We didn't get to see him open his gifts.  But he had plenty to unwrap later that night.

We ended the evening with a fun game of corn hole.  It was my first time playing, and well let's just say I need a lot more practice!  Ha!

We had such a good time.  Too bad they live so far away from us now.  We don't get to see them near as much anymore.  It was nice to spend a long evening with them eating good food and celebrating a special milestone!  

Thanks for visiting.

~ Kelly ~


  1. When I first read the beginning of your post, I thought you said 'chicken soup', not 'coup'. lol

    Chickens are wonderful, but can be a lot of work, and I think I would be really sad if they were killed by fox or coyote (which we have), so I just stick to store bought eggs :).

    That cake looked amazing!


  2. How fun. I'd love a place in the country.

  3. Sounds like a perfect evening - friends, good food, and fun!

  4. Your friends have a great piece of property. The carrot cake must have been delicious. I am glad you had a good time, it is always nice to get together with friends, especially if you don't live close by

  5. How fun! They sure did a great job with the chicken coop. I've never played corn hole either. I'm sure I'd need lots of practice too. And oh, those cakes look so good!!!

  6. Nice set up for the chickens..There are usually Roosters in a brood of chicks..

  7. That is one cool chicken home. The outside is adorable. I see that game one TV often, looks like fun. I would be bad at that I know.


  8. How fun Kelly. Oh I would love to have a place out in the country with chickens.! Looks like a great place to call home for your friends. Glad you had such a good time.
    Happy New Week.

  9. Looks like it was a really fun celebration! Those chickens have quite luxurious accommodations!

  10. What a neat place to spend the evening with the chickens and the beautiful hydrangeas! Looks like a fun night!

  11. Happy Birthday to your husband! That was an amazing party and what a way to celebrate!!You can tell everyone was having such a good time!
    Ah! That chicken coup!!!! It is a work of ART!

  12. Sounds like you had a great time. My hydrangea blooms are pink, but I love the lavender ones your friend pretty.

  13. Thanks to share these details it’s truly nice.

  14. What a great place to visit. Love the hydrangeas! Mine are just starting to flower.
    I hope it wasn't their chickens you were eating! lol

  15. You know I love me some chickens both in my yard and on my plate, but that carrot cake, well it looks as good as the hydrangeas just sweeter!

  16. "I enjoy reading your post guys,,, just keep posting. Birthday Wishes


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly