Friday, June 17, 2016

Summer Blues and Greys

Hello everyone!

Hope you're having a good Friday.  Do you have plans for Father's Day this weekend?  We will have a busy weekend between a birthday party on Saturday for a friend of ours and Father's Day celebration on Sunday.  

I made MORE changes to my color scheme in my family room, yet again!  I found these soft faded blue, white, and grey floral pillow shams from Shabby Chic and decided I wanted to try out some soft blues in my family room for now.  It can be dangerous when you have such a neutral space to work in because anything you see will work in it! Since, I like to change things up a lot, I take full advantage.


I've had the blue hydrangeas (artificial) for a while.  I love bringing them out in the summer.

The soft colored pillow shams work perfectly in the room here with all the greys and whites.

I mixed in a few sprigs of blue flowers with my white cherry blossoms on the side table.

A soft blue striped pillow ties in the color scheme in the armchair across the room.

Books are ready to be read in here!  

I couldn't resist adding some more shabby chic blue floral pillows in my foyer to go with my grey and white striped "rug" pillow that I recently made too.

(Do you spy a green dog toy in this pic?)

I'm also excited to be starting a new medical treatment soon for my auto immune disease.  I have decided to peruse Remicade afterall.  I need one more blood test to get the ball rolling and then treatments will begin.  I'm looking forward to seeing if it will help me.  If it works for me, then my son who also suffers from an auto immune disease (that he got from a gene I gave him) may consider it too.  His meds aren't helping him much either.  We are quite the pair comparing stories with each other, I tell ya!  I told him, maybe we could go get our treatments together!  Ha!  Wouldn't that be hilarious?  I thank God that we can support each other since not everyone understands our illness.

Thanks for visiting!  

~ Kelly ~


  1. Your room is so lovely and restful, Kelly...wonderful for reading those books! I am keeping good thoughts that the Remicade will help you and your son is better, too. Two of my children inherited my autoimmune stuff, too...

  2. Wishing you lots of luck with your new treatment. I know you've been looking for something to help and I hope this is it. I love those blue hydrangeas and the shams are lovely! You're so right about neutral decor and being able to add any color in. I love that! We'll be celebrating a birthday and Father's Day this weekend too. It's going to be so hot though. Ugh.

  3. It looks very cool. Perfect for a hot summer. No big plans here. Just grilling a steak and having some king crab legs for fathers day...

  4. Love your new pillows....the colors are so soft and pretty and perfect for summer! I hope the new medicine offers you some relief and you feel better SOON! We are taking my dad out to eat for Father's Day. It will probably be the last one we spend together since he plans to move. Have a great weekend!!!

  5. You will be in my prayers! My sister is researching and receiving treatment for an auto immune disease and without treatment she would have died within a few years! Her son also has an auto immune disease. Not the same one, though.
    Some people are blessed with natural good health, while others live healthy due to good doctors and medications and still others must fight tooth and nail for quality of life! You have such a great attitude and your home reflects peaceful, calm and serene as possible. My hat is off to you!! Keep fighting!

  6. Love the little touches of light blue. I know how you feel about having an illness or injury that is hard for others to understand. If they can't "see" it, it's hard for them to understand. If they can't "feel" it, they're totally in the dark. But anything chronic rules your life. I so hope this helps you!

  7. Those shades of blue are so calming and lovely. Enjoy your homes' versatility!
    I hope the new treatment works well for you. I have struggled all my life with serious foot problems. This year one foot/ankle finally collapsed and I have to wear a brace (until I get big time surgery). It is interesting how much help I am offered now (at the grocery store, etc.) Of course people didn't know how much my feet hurt before.

  8. I really like the very soft blues you have added, Kelly! I've never been much of a blue person, but added blue to my office last year and am truly enjoying it! Your room is so pretty! I hope the medication will work for you and eventually your son as well. Sending prayers! Have a super weekend! Blessings, Cindy xo

  9. Oh, Kelly, the soft blues are so pretty with your existing decor! It has such a soothing appeal. Wishing you much success with your new treatment plan! Have a great weekend.

  10. Those new pillows are lovely, so soft and feminine. I love how you show how to bring interest to a neutral room. I hope you start feeling better.

  11. Kelly how I pray this new treatment works for both of you. I'll be praying and thinking of you both. The waiting and anticipation is horrible and good at the same time isn't it?

    Your additions look pretty.


  12. Very restful and refreshing..nice look...

  13. The soft blues are so pretty Kelly! It looks wonderful with the whites and grays. I am praying that the new treatment helps you lots and lots! It's got to be so tough to see your son going through it too. :(

  14. No one changes things up as often (or as well) as you Kelly! Love the soft blues, and the faux hydrangeas are beautiful.

    I'll be rooting for you with the new treatment. Being sick is no fun :(.

    (I did see the cute doggy toy) lol

  15. I do hope you and your son will benefit greatly from Remicade. I have a known a couple of other people who did.

    I love the touches of blue with your white and gray. That room looks so comfy and inviting!

  16. Hi Kelly, I really love your soft pretty pallet in your sitting room. So beautiful and looks very comfortable. xx Jo

  17. Hey Kelly...I am praying that the new medication works for you. I have a few friends with various IM diseases and I know from them how frustrating it can be in dealing with the illness. In the meantime though you can relax in your beautiful summer infused rooms. So peaceful and serene with the soft blues...wonderful job switching things up!
    XO Barbara

  18. This is gorgeous. I love your soft blues. What a wonderful space to read a book on a long lazy summer afternoon. I hope the new treatment has you feeling better.

  19. Hi Kelly,
    Love the light blue you are adding to your gray and whites. So pretty. I am thinking about adding some light blue to my white and gray rooms too. After seeing yours I am inspired to find some pretty pillows and pops of blue accents for my living room. Hope the new meds will help you and hopefully your son too. Auto immune diseases are hard to live with so I am keeping good hope this medication will work for you. Have a great week end. Happy Father's Day to your sweet hubby.

  20. Love the light blue you added. It looks great with the gray and whites. I have the bedspread that matches your pillows with the blue flowers. Hoping that the new medicine helps you and your son.

  21. Every time you update pillows I realize how pillow challenged I am.

  22. Personally I think overjoyed I discovered the blogs.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly