Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Bits and Bobs

Hello everyone!

It has been a hectic week around here but mostly good things have been happening.  My husband's birthday was last weekend.  We celebrated with going out to dinner and a cake.  

Then, my son got his braces removed - finally!  He is now the proud owner of invisible retainers that he must wear non-stop for at least 3 months.

My doctor called in some medicine to help me with my "flare-up" until I get in to see him this Friday.  It has been a life saver!  I can finally get back into the gym now after almost 2 weeks of not being able to go.  I have learned something about having this disease that I might not have otherwise.  It really helps me appreciate the days that I feel good!  You don't realize what you take for granted when you don't know what it's like on the other side.  So, to all of you that suffer with a chronic illness that can be life altering, please keep that in mind.  That is the gift that you get from suffering from it..  You have an appreciation for life that others may not understand.  You don't take your "feel good" days for granted.  And you certainly have more compassion for others going through it!

I found another good magazine the other day too.  I've been doing alot more reading lately.  Can you tell?  

It's a new magazine!  You can find it on newsstands now, if you're interested.  

I hope that you'll come back here tomorrow night for our weekly Share Your Style party!  I'm looking forward to seeing what you have to share.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Sounds like you have been really busy?!?!? I'm glad you are feeling a little better. I haven't seen that magazine yet....I will have to look for it when I go to the store next time.

  2. Glad you are feeling better, Kelly! Happy birthday to your husband!

  3. Glad you are doing better. I just saw that magazine yesterday but didn't get it. Might have to go back and get it.

    Have a great week.


  4. Happy Birthday to your Hubby. Glad the meds are helping you to feel better.

  5. Glad the meds are helping! That looks like a great magazine.

  6. Did you save me a piece of cake, cuz now I want some!

  7. Cake looks great! I know with a chronic injury just what you mean. On the days you can walk with less or almost no pain for a certain length of time, whether it's one block or two, you realize how very precious walking is period!

  8. So happy to hear you're feeling better Kelly!! Happy Birthday to your hubby and congratulations to your son. And I agree, that cake looks delicious! I could really go for a slice of something sweet like that. xo

  9. I'm glad you are feeling better. Happy birthday to your hubby!

  10. Happy birthday to your husband.
    What autoimmune illness do you have. I test positive to a marker and they keep testing.
    Hope you are feeling better soon.

  11. Happy Belated Birthday to your hubby! Always fun to celebrate!! Any chronic illness helps us remember to be grateful for the good days! Hope you begin to feel better and better each day! Blessings, Cindy xo

  12. Prayers for you as I pray for my sister.....it is hard.....

  13. You are so right Kelly, we take so much for granted. I suppose that's human nature and will never change, but it helps to be reminded once in a while.

    That magazine looks to be right up my alley. Modern Farmhouse is a style I absolutely love!


  14. I am so glad you are feeling better! It is indeed a great feeling when you feel good and realize nothing hurts that day!

  15. Glad you are feeling better..I have lots of autoimmune issues..not fun..

  16. I am glad you are feeling better. I did buy the other magazine you suggested, although it was the spring issue. It is very enjoyable.

  17. I'm glad you are feeling better. Happy Birthday to your husband. I'll have to look for this magazine too.

  18. Happy Birthday to your hubby Kelly....and so glad that the new meds are working out for you! Hope you have lots of good days ahead!

  19. Wishing your hubby a Happy Belated Birthday. Just getting caught up on my blog reading. Sounds like lots of excitement your way! So glad to hear that you are feeling better! You're right. We never take good days for granted!

  20. Glad to hear you're feeling better. I bet it really does make you appreciate the good days even more. That birthday cake looks amazing! Chocolate is the best. :) We have lots of summer birthdays around here and they always involve a little (or a lot) of chocolate.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly