Friday, June 3, 2016

What's Been Catching My Eye Lately

Hello everyone!

How is your Friday going so far?  Mine was busy taking my son back to the orthodontist for a correction on his new retainers.  He got his braces off the other day, but couldn't wear his retainers because they didn't fit properly.  Ugh!  I will be so glad when all of this orthodontist business is over.  Not much longer to go though.  

I ran across a new magazine recently that I decided to purchase.  That doesn't happen too often these days since I am satisfied with blogs, Pinterest, and Instagram for most of my inspiration.  

Here it is.

It's their latest summer edition.  It's out on newsstands now. I noticed several bloggers homes were featured in it and it showed some photos that I haven't seen before.  

First up, was this one from Vintage Whites.

Then, these from Miss Mustard Seed.

And finally, Velvet and Linen.

So, if you're looking for a great home decor magazine to browse through while sitting next to the beach or pool, this is it! 

Something else that caught my fancy was this amazing video of Brooke Gianetti's home from the Velvet and Linen blog.  I have her first book, but really want to get her second featuring their gorgeous farmhouse in Ojai, CA.  After seeing the video, I realized how pictures just don't do it justice.  Take a look, if you haven't already seen it and prepare to be mesmerized by their way of life and their gorgeous surroundings.  

See video HERE

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend.  My hubby's birthday is tomorrow so we will be celebrating that. 

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Kelly - Thanks for the review of the magazine. I've gotten to where I just don't buy a lot of mags because they are so expensive. Plus, you can find so much on line, but this sounds like a winner.

    Have a great weekend.


  2. I think I saw that in CVS. But I don't buy mags much either. Every once in awhile I do. Tell your hubby Happy Birthday! Is he enjoying retirement?

  3. That looks like a nice magazine. Tell your son to wear his retainer because my 19 year old didn't and his front teeth have shifted again :( Have a great weekend.

  4. You've given me lots of ideas for books and magazines to read! I'll have to watch that video too. I seriously want to live in California some day and Ojai would be perfect. You can't beat the weather. Aren't braces a pain sometimes? Ugh. You'll be so happy when it's all over. :)

  5. Wow! That is a lot of crazy talent and home decor eye candy in one magazine... thanks for the recommendation! We haven't started the braces yet... but between my husband and I, I think we logged about 6 years (plus headgear - YIKES!). So our poor boys may be doomed, teeth-wise. Happy birthday to your husband! ~julie

  6. Looks like a good one for sure Kelly! I still enjoy looking through decorating books and magazines even though I too get a ton of inspiration from bloggers! I haven't seen that at any of my regular shops though.
    Happy Birthday to your hubby!! Have a fun relaxing day!

  7. You're eight about that video Kelly! Beautiful home!!

    I hope your hubby is enjoying his retirement so far. Good luck with your son. I know these things can feel like they drag on forever.


  8. I don't buy magazines either unless something special catches my eye. The pictures you showed entices me to want to see more so I will look for it. Have a great weekend.

  9. I hope your hubby has a very happy birthday!!!

  10. Happy Birthday to your hubby..I always get in to trouble when I look at those magazines..I think I have to change everything...Have a Happy weekend..

  11. Hi Kelly,
    Oh I love the link to the video on their farmhouse. How wonderful to have that place and that life. I was swooning.
    I have seen that magazine and it looks pretty awesome. Have a good week end.

  12. I don't buy as many magazines either.... that video was great!

  13. Kelly...I have a few issues of American Farmhouse and will have to look for this new issue. I got them to give me ideas of having more of a farmhouse feel to my home.

  14. I perused this magazine in the store the other day and decided not to buy it because I already have so many magazines and some of the featured people have blogs and I can just check them out there. It looks like a good one though. I hope your son gets the right fit with his retainer. Thanks so much for the beautiful video! I have their first book and love it! What a magical place they created! Didn't know a newer book from them came out.

  15. Much of my inspiration comes from Pinterest, too, but I just love holding a magazine in my hand!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly