Friday, June 24, 2016

Bringing Light and Other Changes into the Foyer

Hello everyone!

I've been on a big "change" kick around the house this week.  The summer bug has bitten me!  I want all light summery fabrics and colors around me right now.  So, I made a few changes that say "summer" to me.  In my foyer, I didn't have any lamps.  So, I quickly remedied that by adding a wall sconce and a table lamp.

I also changed out the rug to a more summer striped version, along with a pastel cow picture hanging above the bench.  

I'm really enjoying the subtle changes and how it looks at night too.

This cute table lamp is my new favorite!

My sister gave me the cow picture last year and I have used it in several different spots in my home.  I love how it fills this large wall in my foyer.  Plus it's a whimsical surprise as soon as you enter my home!  

The lamp adds some much needed light.  I forgot how much better it looks at night to have light in the foyer.

I may make one more change in here.  I'm thinking about moving my floor clock in here in place of the column next to the door. It's in a very soft shade of blue that would look good in here.  Still deciding on that.  It's very heavy and is currently upstairs so I don't want to move it unless I'm sure.  Decisions, decisions................

I think the slower pace of summer encourages me to look around my home and make changes.  Does that happen to you too?  

Hope you all have a great weekend!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Your foyer looks fresh, beautiful, and ready for summer! I love the simple changes you made, and you know I love your blue floral pillows. They are a light and airy touch too. I made one change so far this summer, swapping out an overstuffed chair for a vintage trunk. It made our family room feel less cluttered. Have a lovely weekend xo

  2. Oh Kelly, your lamp and sconce are both so pretty. I think it's amazing how much difference lighting can make. Your foyer is a wonderful area to welcome people into your home!

  3. You are so right about being able to turn on a light in the foyer at night. It makes it feel so much happier. Your cow is adorable and perfect for this season. I just love how you are able to change out your neutral home so much with accessories.

  4. Your foyer looks great - a breath of fresh air for summer. It's funny, but when I saw that cow picture I thought of your sister and her blog. And, it's a gift from HER! :) If you move the clock, be sure to post a photo for us.
    Best & Bisous,
    Michelle from Simply Santa Barbara

  5. Kelly, your foyer looks so pretty!! Love the lamp and sconce. I bet they give off the prettiest glow at night.

  6. ich finde es sehr ROMANTISCH....
    und das KUHBILD....ich glaube ich habe mich
    gerade VERLIEBT...ggggg

    wünsche noch einen schönen ABEND
    bis bald die BIRGIT aus TIROL

  7. Your foyer is so light and pretty! Love that cow picture and beautiful lamp! Looks perfect for the summer months! :) ~Rhonda

  8. Your foyer looks so pretty and so ready for summer. Love all of the changes you have made.


  9. I love the changes. The cow picture adds whimsy and says welcome.

  10. Super changes in your I like the cow picture there. We had that same iron piece in our old house.


  11. Our foyer is so dark, what a great idea to add a sconce! It is so cute too!
    I know I already told you on IG, but I love Bessie above your bench! She looks great there!

  12. Yes I do think your clock would look wonderful in that spot. I actually keep my tall clock in the DR so that I can let it chime and do it's thing. Any closer to our BR and it keeps me awake! Lamps add a lot to an entryway. I have a small lamp in mine that I keep on in the evenings..

  13. Lighting makes all the difference, and your lamps have really made the space homey. The foyer definitely says "Hello, summer!"

  14. Love that cow pic there kelly! As you say, it's a nice unexpected surprise. You are lucky that your home has so many different possibilities to switch things around. Log homes like ours aren't quite as flexible. Enjoy your new lovely space!


  15. Love that cow pic there kelly! As you say, it's a nice unexpected surprise. You are lucky that your home has so many different possibilities to switch things around. Log homes like ours aren't quite as flexible. Enjoy your new lovely space!


  16. I've always loved that lamp.

  17. I love that whimsical cow picture! That lamp is so pretty too. I saw the floor clock on IG and loved it in the new spot!

  18. Love the cow picture!! Love the lamp too. I have a tall small round table right by our front door with a light on it...and I leave it on all night.

  19. I always think of your home as light and summery, mine is the opposite - sort of dark and wintery. Maybe my house could meet your house and yours could give mine some summer tips?

  20. I really need to add a lamp in our foyer, super beautiful entry as always Kelly!

  21. Everything looks so light and airy. Definitely says summer to me!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly