Sunday, June 26, 2016

My Favorite Things

Hello everyone!

Amy from Ms. Toody Goo Shoes invited me to participate in her new "Favorite Things" series.  I was so honored to be invited!  It's a new series that each blogger gets to share whatever type of favorite things they want.  Mine are quite simple though.  Everyone can probably relate to them.  Here is a sneak peek of one of mine.

I hope you will hop over to her blog and check it out!  

Click HERE

Thanks for visiting.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Thanks so much for doing this, Kelly! It was thrilled that you agreed to participate. Most of the things on your list, would be on my list, too! Hugs, Amy

  2. Hello Kelly, I'm visiting from Amy's blog and I totally enjoyed reading about your favorite things. Some of them are my favoirtes too and I like porches and dogs.
    Julie xo

  3. I just popped over and read your favorite things and I agree with them all! One day I really hope to have a large front porch with rocking chairs. :)

  4. Kelly, i just went over to see your favorite things; and you have some good ones! I love the big, front porches and life in the South, as well. And gosh, the food, too!

  5. That was fun Kelly. I have some of the same things on my mental list. Then you gave me some new ideas such as fun kitchen gadgets.

  6. I enjoyed reading it yesterday. We have similar favorites. Loved the slushy faces. I like this series Amy is doing


  7. Loved reading about your favorite things, Kelly. xo Laura

  8. Stunning Kelly! I'm off to check out your list! :) ~julie


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly