Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Our 4th of July

Hello everyone!

Did you have a nice holiday weekend?  We had a good time.  Saturday night, we cooked out and had my oldest son and his new girlfriend over for dinner.  It was nice to finally meet her.  Then, on Monday night we took our youngest son with us to see a fireworks show at North Ga College.  It is such a pretty campus.  It's in a rural town with beautiful old houses in it.  Here is a pic of one that stood out while we were walking to the fireworks show.

Beautiful, isn't it?  I wish I could've taken more pics of houses to share.  But we were on a mission to get good seats at the show.  

Here is the entrance to the campus.

As you can see, it is in the North Ga mountains.  This is what it looked like once we arrived.

There was music playing and I spotted a few dancers along the way.  This little girl was twirling for the camera.

And then, I spotted this lady!  She was trying to keep up with her teenage daughters, I think!  Ha!

It looked so pretty as the sun started going down.

And then.............................

The show began!

I shared a video and other pics from our evening on my instagram feed if you would like to see it.  

Click HERE

I'm kind of glad to be back to a normal schedule this week after such a busy weekend.  We are hoping to get some much needed rain around here too.  Did you know that my house hasn't had any decent rain in 2 months????  We are in a severe drought!  Our neighbors house got a water leak and after calling the water department to look at it, found out that it's because the ground is so dry it's cracking and shifting the pipes!  Luckily, it's the county's problem so my neighbors don't have to foot the bill.  But it's happening all around our county!  So, maybe I need to look up how to do a rain dance or something since every time it rains in our state, it misses our house!  It just won't rain over our house!  Craaaaazy!

Thanks for visiting!

~ Kelly ~ 


  1. That is a beautiful home. I don't like firework displays much, but they are all over at this time of year.
    I cannot believe about the drought. The last year I lived in Atlanta, we were in a severe drought too...2007-2008.

  2. Hi Kelly,
    Looks like a great place to watch the fireworks. Love seeing so many people having fun all together too.
    Glad you had a great week end. I am with looking forward to getting bake to a normal week.

  3. Kelly, it looks like you had a fun time! That house is beautiful...perfectly decorated for the holiday. I feel for you with the drought. That was our problem for the past couple of years. And, then, the skies just opened up one day and wouldn't stop! Hopefully, you'll get some substantial rain soon.

  4. Hi Kelly! Looks and sounds like a very fun fourth. We are in a drought here in WI as well. Hoping the rain predictions for this week cone true, just like you. Have a great week - and get dancing! Jane

  5. Looks like a fun day. I think everyone is in a drought. The ground is so hard even tho we have had some rain. It's just not enough.

    Have a great week.


  6. I'm so sorry about the drought. It's awful. We had one for about 4 years. We lost so many trees in Texas. It sounds like you had a great 4th. I love fireworks.

  7. Sounds like a fun time!! Those homes are gorgeous! We're getting so much rain lately, I wish we could send some your way! Xo

  8. What a lovely place for a celebration! I hope we all get some more rain soon. None in our forecast in Northern Ohio for the next 7 days either.

  9. It seems as though the campus was a perfect place for a Holiday event. The home you shared is beautiful, I'm sure there are many gorgeous places near you. Too bad about the drought, we are desperate for moisture as well, but I've never heard of the pipes cracking due to drought! Hope you get some rain soon! Blessings, Cindy xo

  10. Your holiday looks like it was fun in every way, Kelly! We had several firework shows here and there but we stayed close to home. I could sit on my patio and see and hear quite a bit.

    So sorry about that lack of rain. Do you have a ban on watering your lawn? We've had a bit of a dry out for a little more than a week. I was going to water the lawn and flower beds today but now we are expecting rain overnight. Too bad, severe weather along with it. :(


  11. That certainly is a beautiful home, and it's all decked out for the holiday!

    We didn't see any fireworks this year, so thanks for the snippet.

    We had a bit of rain the night before last, and like you we needed it. Our lake is down about 20"!

  12. Kelly, We are needing rain too. Very dry. Your situation sounds desperate.
    Prayers for you.

  13. I didn't know they shot them off there. Looked like a fun time!

  14. Looks great Kelly. The house and the little girl stole the show. Just like a little girl to twirl for the camera.

    Hope you get some needed rain.


  15. Looks like you had a nice 4th...We could use some rain as well..Some are having floods and some drought..No happy medium..

  16. Looks like a perfect 4th of July! I'm afraid I do know about the pipes. It has happened to us several times since the Texas drought. It has been the pipes of the sprinklers, so it was our problem - both the repair and the crazy water bill. Thank goodness the rain is back here. I hope you get rain soon!

  17. Your 4th was much better than ours. All four of us had a nasty stomach virus this week. Yuck. Thankfully we're all much better now (and I lost 4 lbs. because of it, lol!) What a pretty setting for fireworks! We've had a lot of rain this year, so I'll try to send you some. :) That's a shame about the cracking pipes in your area. A few years ago when we were in a drought, we put soaker hoses along the foundation on our house to water it because severe drought can crack foundations. At least your neighbors don't have to foot the bill. Lack of rain can do so much damage. Hope you get a good rain storm soon.

  18. I am glad you had such a nice holiday weekend. I certainly hope it starts raining in your area. We are having the daily rain showers and then it gets so hot and steamy.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly