Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Share Your Style Party #73

Hi Everyone!
Welcome to Share Your Style Party! 
I'm Des from Peeking Thru The Sunflowers and I'm your host this week.
I'm glad you stopped by to join the fun and be inspired!

When you link up to this party it will be seen on all five of these blogs.

Here are a few features from last week's party:

Penny from Penny's Vintage Home shared this incredible garden mantel on her porch.

Marty from A Stroll Thru Life revealed her living room with new gorgeous hardwood floors.

Pat from French Country Style From The Foot Of The Rockies shared her love for old houses.


If you were featured this week be sure to grab the button to display on your blog.

Now on to the party! Please remember to link back to the party in your blog post!


  1. Thanks for hosting, Kelly. Have a wonderful week. I love that porch. Off to check it out.

  2. Thanks for hosting, Share Your Style Party! Great features.

  3. Thanks so much for hosting sweet Kelly! Jane

  4. Hi Kelly, what a nice surprise to see my garden mantel included in this weeks features....thank you! hugs...

  5. Hi Kelly, thank you so much for the party!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly