Tuesday, August 9, 2016

I am not a Fresh Flower Snob

Hello everyone!

Fresh flowers are always nice.  Fresh flowers smell good.  But................
fresh flowers don't last!

  I use flowers as part of my decor, not just as something nice that I found while out shopping one day.  My biggest complaint is from those that think that all flowers used in your home should be fresh.  Really?  Well, luckily, I don't share that mind set.  I have a good eye for artificial "real-looking" flowers.  Most of the time, people don't even know that mine aren't real.  I've even had people come over and gasp at my flowers and ask if they were real.  I'm not a snob about very many things.  I'm not a "true" collector and I don't have to have expensive name brands to make me happy.  So, why should my flowers be any different?  

For me, it's all about why I use these.  I like that I can re-use these year after year.  Fresh flowers die.  So, if you're visiting someone and they have beautiful bouquets of fresh flowers and you're just in love................guess what?  They're dead now.  All gone!  They just don't last.

I like that I can find exactly the type and color of flower that I want to use in my decor rather than depending on what I might find while I'm out shopping in the fresh flower department. You have much less variety there.  

You will have to accept what is in season and possibly native to your area as well.
The south (where I live) isn't known to sell fresh lilacs.  Noone grows them here either.  But, they're one of my favorite flowers!  No problem.  I have a huge urn full of them by my front door.

Hydrangeas in the winter time?  Unheard of right?  Not at my house.

I love spreading flowers around my house.  I couldn't afford to do that if I only used fresh flowers.  That would get very expensive.  

I also, would have to walk right past these cuties that came already arranged in pretty containers.

Orchids?  They catch my eye every time I see them while out shopping.  I gave in to buying them twice.  Guess what? They're dead.  I took pain staking care of them, but eventually I got tired of looking at them when they would quit flowering (which lasts about 6 mos).  So, it was just a pot with a stick and leaves to look at.  Where were the pretty flowers????  Now, I have this.

I'll admit it needs some leaves. But hey,  at least it's flowering!  Forever.  Oh, and if I get tired of the white, I have some purple ones waiting for me in my basement.  I have a complete flower shop down there!

So, are you one of those that insists on fresh flowers only?  Or, are you more practical and like the versatility of the artificial (yet real looking) flowers that are on the market now? 

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Fresh flowers are my favorite, but like you, for practical reasons, I have lots of faux flowers around my house. Lately, I have been enjoying bringing cuttings of greenery (without flowers) inside and putting them in water as well. They look fresh for weeks and weeks.

  2. Me to I have the same in my house not only that you got fresh flower and tree day they die the only one stay fresh are sunflower living in Miami we don't have all tipe of flower any way the look real to me ja! And save money too
    Your look beautiful
    Have nice day

  3. Cute post Kelly! Great examples of faux flowers. I think we all love fresh, but mixing them with faux flowers and plants is much more realistic. I love when you said, "Guess what? They're dead now." LOL Hope your week is going well! ~julie

  4. I have a lot of artificial plants that are mostly green and then some of the faux lavender. I do buy real flowers occasionally for photo shoots. They are counted as props for the blog and are a tax write off. :)

  5. I hate to spend money on cut flowers, they die soooo fast. Love your fake ones, they look real anywise, especially in pictures!!!

  6. Fresh flowers are a treat I indulge in occasionally, usually when company is coming. Like you, I've got lots of faux flowers and plants around my house. They are great for adding pops of color, and warmth. Faux flowers have come a long way -- it's a lot easier now to find ones that looks real.

  7. That's just one of the things I love about you!!! You not only are not a fresh flower snob - I dont think you have a snobby bone in your body!!!
    My Amber LOVES fresh flowers but I have told Louis Dean time and time again - just buy a shrub or a plant for the flower bed. I would rather have a rose bush than a dozen red roses any day!!

  8. I guess I'm a fresh flower snob! lol I don't use faux and I'm drawn to the flower department at the market like a bear to honey. Even our Christmas tree must be real. I enjoy the ritual of cutting the stems, stripping the leaves, and arranging them in water. And then there's nothing like the scent of fresh flowers or pine.
    I love how your faux look in your charming home though Kelly!To each her own... xo

  9. Twenty years ago, I might have respectfully disagreed with you. But no longer. Faux flowers have come quite a long way, and I'm all for using them.

  10. I am a floral designer so do love fresh flowers, however, I can't afford to keep them all the time. I have ALOT of faux flowers and make new arramgements all the time. All of yours look terrific!

  11. This is a great post Kelly! I'm not a fresh flower snob either. I am very particular about using high quality realistic looking faux flowers like you do. I love greenery and flowers in my home all year long so I have lots of faux greenery. As an avid gardener, I do bring in fresh blooms when I can but they can get messy. I bought some beautiful live greenery in my home and a few plants look good, however, my two topiaries drop leaves and get very messy. So I say use what you love! There are no rules in home decor. If it looks great and you love it that's what matters. Your home and groupings of flowers always look stellar and the best part, no fuss and no mess and NO watering!

  12. I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said!!! I've never had a problem with faux flowers and they seem to be making them more realistic looking all the time. I've always admired the flowers around your house and even emailed you a few times to ask where I could buy them. :) Another great thing about faux flowers is that I don't have to worry about Holly eating them. I can't ever have real flowers out for too long, because she's always attracted to them and has to check them out. Plus, there's a lot of flowers that are poisonous to cats, but I can always have the faux version on display. :)

  13. I totally agree, Kelly!!! I'll always remember when Oprah and her grandiosity stated that basically people had no class or style if they didn't have fresh bouquets and that faux deserved to be in the trash. pooh pooh I have lot's of allergies, and end up with a sore throat and sinus problem whenever I try.

  14. I am so with you. If I had the money I would have real flowers in our home, but I don't. I do love silk flowers and have them every where and always wanting more. I did read somewhere that is is bad luck to have dried flowers in the home.

  15. Occasionally I may buy flowers but I also use faux flowers and plants. Living even further south then you it is the only way to have the lilacs or hydrangeas. Or even roses. I agree with you, use both.

  16. Hi Kelly,
    I love to use faux flowers throughout my decor. The faux flowers now are so much like real to the touch and looks.
    Plus like you said you can find the colors your want and also not up keep and they don't die.

  17. I use a lot of faux flowers, too...and have even mixed faux and fresh together! Very pretty arrangements, Kelly!

  18. You have an eye for what will work and what goes together, and I think that really helps. I like your arrangements, and they really do look like fresh flowers!

  19. I don't think someone is not practical because they don't care for faux flowers. I LOVE flowers and grow a great many and use those and also some store-bought. You can buy a bouquet at many grocery stores for $10 or less. Trader Joes has some great fresh flowers (and greenery). I'm in TN and lilacs are in abundance here. Thankfully we have a lilac bush! Awwww that fragrance, it is like none other. So, if you must call me a flower "snob", so be it. I love fresh flowers. It's just a preference. If I can't have flowers, I have plenty of green plants around during those winter months. At least some houseplants do bloom - year round!

  20. Kelly...I use faux flowers in my home too. Have some on my front door too. It is fun to change them out for the different season...or just any day because I just want to change them.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly