Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Copy Cat Challenge

My project is actually one that I already had done before I saw it in a magazine.  So, it's sort of like they were copying me.  Ha!  (Not really.  I just like to think so.)  It's something you could use all year long though.  I saw it in this magazine.

It is ridiculously easy!  I'm almost ashamed to even call this a challenge.  Ha!

Here is their version.

And here is my version.

As you can see, this is simply hot gluing jute webbing around a glass candle holder.  Easy right?  Then on my version, I just tied some twine around it and added some old skeleton keys to it for interest. 

Anyone can do this!  I had everything except the keys.  I found them at an antique store.  I thought about sticking some greenery in the twine, but then decided not to since it was an actual burning candle.  I didn't think that would be very safe.

Hope you enjoyed it! 

~ Kelly ~

I'm linking to the following:


  1. Very cute Kelly!! I like your version much better with the added twine and key! Martina

  2. I need to make some of these. Several lined up in a row would be neat on a long farmhouse style table. Hmmmm...the little wheels are turning.:-)

    Great copycat, Kelly!

  3. This is amazing! I love your candle! The skeleton keys are the perfect touch! Thanks for sharing this!

  4. So simple, yet so elegant. I like your version better; the skeleton key is the perfect touch.

  5. They did SOOOO copy you Kelly. How cute! I love your version and the little key is adorable. Thanks for joining in.

  6. Love the texture! The added skeleton key is perfect. I see so many things in magazines that have already appeared on blogs, so the sharing of ideas definitely goes both ways. Our local chain bookstore has book page decoupaged ornaments etc for sale that we see in blogs but I guess those who don't blog or craft will need somewhere to buy them.

  7. I love it - could see it with a tiny, antique Christmas ball attached too.

  8. Perfect and the twine and key are the finishing touch. I love it. Hugs, Marty

  9. That looks great you did a perfect job. I love the use of that jute webbing for all sorts of things. Love that you added the key.

  10. Cute as ever and I really like the added key:)

  11. Looks great! I have some of that jute webbing, that I wanted to use on some projects and have not gotten around to it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  12. Love it!!! the key adds all you need! xo

  13. Kelly, this is so cute!! I like your version better, with the keys! It just adds something a little special!
    Great job!

  14. What great gifts those would make...I have a bunch of plain glass votives. Thanks for the idea!


  15. Adorable, Kelly! That would make a great teacher's gift :)

  16. Hi Kelly! Well, I do believe that mag copy catted you, too! :) I like your version better with the little keys! Your floral arrangement in the urn is gorgeous!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  17. Terrific interpretation! Yours is better with the addition of the keys and your vignette is beautiful!

  18. Your version is wonderful, the key is a fantastic touch! I made similar, without seeing the magazine, I think something about burlap and jars goes wonderfully together.

  19. Your version with the skeleton keys is perfect.

  20. I love yours with the keys! Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best! Now i want to copy you!


  21. I like yours better! I haven't even had a chance to look at my issue yet.

  22. I think your version is fabulous! I love the keys. You are a great copy cat!

    Best Christmas wishes,

  23. Kelly,
    Your version is so much better! I saw this in my CL magazine, too, and I thought it was a great idea. But you really added interest with those keys. Great job!

  24. Love it...the keys take it over the top.

  25. Excellent Kelly. Who needs to copy right?

  26. Great copy-cat, Kelly!! Very cute! blessings ~ tanna

  27. Your little candles are so pretty now! You are so clever to have done it before the magazine published it. Are you sure they didn't copy you?
    Hugs, Cindy
    PS I peeked a little further in your blog, you have a BEAUTIFUL house.

  28. Kelly, These are so neat with the keys. I need to make some. I have webbing left over from something. Nice job.

  29. Simple, and very cute. I love using webbing and keys as a decoration. So natural.

  30. OMG I love this, I need to run out and buy some Jute webbing just to have it handy. I never knew it could look so good!

  31. Simple idea? Yes, but really cool-looking! I just love all the natural elements that are popping up in everyone's decor this year.

  32. Love it! That key is the perfect touch.

    Sharon @ mrshinesclass

  33. Kelly, I did something very similar to this the week before I got my Southern Living magazine and told my daughters SL was copying me!! Actually, I had a friend monogram my jute....I had her do it in white, so I could leave it up year around if I wanted to. It is adorable!! I put one around a white pillar candle in a lantern (it looks so Pottery Barn :0)) I put one around a white plate on a plate stand, and then I wove one into my basket of greens, antlers, feathers (just for you!) and pinecones. I dont have a blog to show you, but you would so love them!! I had to order more jute online, because everyone in the Buford/Gainesville area must be doing the same thing. I gave my friend more to monogram so I can do gifts for my mom and mother in law. Love your key idea! I found that a jelly jar works great, that you dont have to trim it. I filled my jars with some sand then dropped my votive in.

  34. I think your votive is so cute with the little keys! Don't you just love Country Living!!! Very nice copy cat. I am linking from Debbiedoos.

  35. Great copycat! Your candle is so pretty!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly