Friday, January 6, 2012

Decisions, Decisions.......

Hello everyone!

I don't think that I've ever shared my half bath (guest bath) with you.  That's probably because it's hard to get good pictures in there.  It doesn't have a window and is small in size (being just a half bath and all). But, today, I figured why not. 

Now, immediately, you will notice something that bothers me.  It is green!  I once had green EVERYWHERE.  It was my favorite color to decorate with (next to red).  However, times have changed and now I want a more neutral colorscheme.  So, I'm thinking about repainting this bathroom a VERY light shade of grey. 

You see, light grey would work well with the dark brown floors, black trimmed mirror and red wall art (if I chose to keep it, which I probably will).  I love grey mixed with those colors and best of all, it would be neutral!

I've actually never had this bathroom any light color before.  It was RED in a former life!  Ha!  I must say though, it's a bear to paint because of the need for a tall ladder and the sink and toilet get in the way.  I sort of dread doing it, quite frankly.  However, if I don't do it, nobody will.  Do you get my drift?  Ha!

So what do you think?  I'm only going to repaint this thing one more time! 

Have a great weekend.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. I say go for it! Although the process will be painful it will be well worth it in the end because you will be sooooo happy!!! Our downstairs powder room has been a few different colors but I finally got it right this last time around. Guess what color it is....grey! LOL
    Have a great weekend :o)

  2. I've been trapped painting in a tiny powder room feels coffin like! But it will be worth it. I like that rug!


  3. The green is gorgeous, but I really do understand the desire for a different color. It will look fabulous in the gray. Love your mirror, it is beautiful. Hugs, marty

  4. I think it is beautiful now and I really love the wooden piece you use for towels on the tank. I have seen that piece, wanted it, not known where I would use it. Now I do!

  5. Hi Kelly! I say go for it! It's a very pretty bathroom and your mirror is gorgeous!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. I used to be big on green too. I still like it but as an accent. I would go neutral, like a warm grey so the red picture with the aged background looks right. I love the mirror and everything else in there too. I never thought to use my dough bowl on the back of the toilet!!!

  7. Sounds good to me. Brooke just had her master bedroom painted a grey and sent me a picture. It is really pretty. Silver chain by BM.

  8. While I do like the green colour in there, grey would be lovely too. I've lately been obsessed with grey's, painting our entire main floor Horizon Grey (by BM) and now the girls rooms will be a light lavender/grey. I look forward to seeing what you decide =)

  9. I think I would paint if grey like you had mentioned.... Looking forward to what your decision will be....

  10. The grey sounds wonderful! You and your sister are both redoing your bathrooms!!

  11. Gray would be lovely. I can't imagine painting it though...what a job!

  12. It may be small, but you gave it lots of style. Love that mirror!

  13. I know whatever you pick it will be pretty. You have good taste. Love that mirror!

  14. I like the green......but grey would be wonderful! I will stay tuned to see how GOOD it will look! I am wanting to paint my hall - now a cranberry color - grey. It is SO dark in there and the grey would lighten it up.

    I think your little bathroom is totally charming!

  15. Green is my favorite color, so I am loving your walls, but I think grey will also look beautiful and probably will make the powder room look bigger. Your mirror is gorgeous!

  16. Love the green. I think they grey is nice as well. Cute little bathroom.

  17. I like the green too, but I'm not too keen for green in bathrooms. Our powder room was emerald green when we moved in. I repainted it blue last year, but it's tooo blue! I might try again with a bluish gray. Good luck with your project!

  18. Kelly, I say, go for it! If you don't, you wont be satisfied with it. I think the grey would be beautiful!

  19. Go for it! I left a comment on your sister's blog because we are redoing our large half bath for the 2nd time and we have only been in our house 8 mths. First time we were in too much of a hurry and the mistakes we could live with no longer so down to the studs we went. At least all you are doing is painting and gray seems to be the neutral color lately.

  20. I really need to work on our guest bathroom, but it needs new everything, and I'm not in the complete re-do mood yet. Can't wait to see your new color.

  21. I really need to work on our guest bathroom, but it needs new everything, and I'm not in the complete re-do mood yet. Can't wait to see your new color.

  22. I have the same green in a hall bath. I've been wanting to repaint for a while and still don't know what to go with. Thanks for the push to get thinking on this once again. Have fun, can't wait to see what you decide to do!

  23. Sounds like it will look great! I do like the green to though...and my half bath is the same color and pain to paint! I like the wall hanging in there and the bird picture with the burlap ribbon..nice touch!

  24. LOL! We ALWAYS think we are only going to repaint these things one more time! LOL! I like the idea of light gray. Looking forward to seeing it! blessings ~ tanna

  25. A light grey sounds really pretty. I LOVE the large artwork you have in there!

  26. Oh....that sounds so pretty! I love your bathroom now, but a light grey might be perfect!

  27. Warning, warning. Test your grey choices. They are the hardest to work with. I just did my small bathroom in grey this past December. Painted it twice we did. The first color was too bright and light once it went up and almost looked white. The second color Techno grey had a slight green tint to it which goes well with the rest of my house and was darker than the first. Some of them end up looking lavender. I love it now though, posted about it in December. Lori

  28. Isn't it funny how we like something or I say love it and then 6 months later it no longer does the trick. I have a brick fireplace that was painted when we moved in I constantly paint that thing! I always use a pop of color but now I am thinking of going neutral. The paint samples are taped to it and my husband said....oh no not again! can't wait to see your finished product

  29. I LOVE the mirror and the burlap used as a picture hanger. Grey would look very nice. Looking forward to seeing the room after the paint job.

  30. Gray sounds yummy, Kelly. Couldn't you get Kim to help paint that room. She's always painting something or repainting!

  31. You will probably be amazed at how much lighter it will be, can't wait to see it done!

  32. It's beautiful now, but I know you'll love it a lighter shade, too! Love your dough bowl ... fabulous, mirror, too!

  33. Our half bath is gray and I love it! Can't tell you the name, as it was painted by the previous owner. Can't wait to see what you do :)

  34. I just painted my very similar sized powder have to be part contortionist to do it...:0) I did mine a lighter color (taupey grey) it had been brown. It is so stinkin' cute, my favorite room at the moment. A little weird...

  35. Oops it was from someone else.

  36. Well gray is the new neutral and a nice warm gray would be lovely. Love the wood floor! Great choice!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly