Thursday, January 5, 2012

Got milk?

Hello everyone!

Are you familiar with the online company called Wuslu?  Once you sign up with them, they send you an email for a "deal of the day" every day.  You can purchase it that day unless it sells out.  Some of their items are mass produced and others are one of a kind.  I was able to purchase this old milk crate from the 1940's from their site. 

I placed it on top of my pot rack in my kitchen.  It adds to that industrial feel that I have going on in there. 

You can see the inscription of the dairy farm it came from.  It is very heavy too.

The inside is filled with wire cubbies that once held the milk bottles.

So, if you decide to buy something that is really old and one of a kind from Wuslu, act fast.  These  sold out quickly!  They may offer them again though.

Now, I just wish these milk crates would make a come back WITH the milk service too!  I grew up having milk delivered to my house and it must've been wonderful for my mom to not have to go out and grab milk at the store all the time.  I can't tell you how many trips I have to make to keep our fridge stocked!  Ha!

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~
I am linking to the following:


  1. Oh, I love it! I like your cowhead back there too...

  2. Yes I love WUSLU. I have ordered several items and just love them!

    I love your purchase!

  3. That is a great find! I really like it--I collect the milk bottles.

    We got our milk delivered to our door as well. Sealtest. We had a silver insulated box on the porch that the milkman left the milk in. He also lived across the street so if we ever ran out of something--it was right there! :)

  4. Thanks so much for the info on the site. I'll have a look.

    Love how the milk box looks on your to rack.

  5. I get their emails and love the stuff they have.
    I remember milk being delivered too but ours came in a metal crate...gone are those days of service, but they say history repeats itself so maybe...

  6. Hmmmm,how did I miss that deal I wonder? LOL...It looks great on top of your pot rack!

  7. I was not really sure what Wuslu thanks! I love the crate!Love the touches of industrial strength around the house~I added some in my office and love it. What are you gonna keep in it?

  8. I love WUSULU! I subscribe to them by e-mail and I found them from Miss Mustard Seed's site!

    Great find!

  9. very nice find! Have you seen stuff from their other company called Antique Farm House? they have neat stuff too!

  10. Oh, I love those old crates. So many possibilities for usage.

  11. Love it Kelly and it looks great on top of your pot rack!

  12. Hello Kelly,
    it's nice to meet you. I am new to your blog and came over from Cleo's. I will be your latest follower after posting this comment.
    I have never heard of Wuslu, but I am off to look it over.
    I think you found a great buy and there are so many possibilities of what you can do with the box. I love it on top of your pot rack,

  13. Hi Kelly,

    What a great addition to the kitchen!!
    Love the natural patina...
    All the Best,

  14. Hi Kelly, I haven't heard of this before but sounds like a fun place to go. Your piece looks great! i remember the milk service too! I loved to hear the clinking milk bottles as the milkman walked up to the door! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. so cute! i have six of these avail. in my etsy store! love what you did w/yours! I am off to see about the store you mention - sounds fantastic! oxox, tracie

  16. love the look of this and it's so great on top of your pot rack!! I need to join wuslu, I know they have some wonderful things. thanks for linking up for the party, Kelly! xo

  17. Hi, Kelly....I grew up with home milk delivery and also, when my kids were babies, the milk was delivered. I wish I had asked our milk guy for one of these crates....he probably would have given me one. Never gave it a thought.
    Your's is so cute....

  18. Love that milk crate. I have a similiar and have it filled with old white linens.

    I will have to check out this shopping site. Thanks.

  19. Hi Kelly. I thought I had commented on this post but I don't see it.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. No it wasn't the tree trimmer that died. He worked for the county BUT that same one that left the card in our door returned. He is going to do the work for us......but he just called and didn't act like he had been here.....gets stranger as it goes on. But I do know that my husband isn't going to do the trimming after that accident.

  20. What a great crate! I love WUSLU too! They have the most amazing items!

  21. it's awesome! want!

    come visit anytime.




Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly