Sunday, January 8, 2012

My Little Secret - No More

Hello everyone!

First of all, thank you so much for all of your great paint color suggestions for my guest bath.  I hope to make a decision soon on it. 

I was going to just show you a new vignette on my sideboard in my dining room. 

During the winter months, I love using candlelight everywhere!

So, after I put away the Christmas decorations, I decided to change up the sideboard by adding these candles.  I love how romantic it looks in here all lit up at night.

So, I'm snapping away, and noticed a trend happening in every room.

There it is!  Don't you see it?  It's a Lego play set.  Don't you have one on your dining room table too?  This one is a police station that my son got for Christmas.  It was built in here and left.  Yep!  I think my son thinks this is it's new permanent home.

They are everywhere in my home!

On the kitchen table.

In his room.

On his dresser.

In bins.

Lined up in front of books.

Why he even has a new Lego game (yes now they make games) that he hasn't even played with yet!

Since my home has been taken over by Lego's, I've come up with an acronym for them. 
"Little Evil Gizmo's On Steroids"

If you have boys, then I'm sure you're all too familiar. These things multiply!  I am quite used to them by now since my oldest son is now 18.  I figure I have to live with them a few more years and then my youngest son will probably move on to something else (just like my oldest did).  So, I'm not going to complain.  One day, I'll probably look around and miss these days when all of his toys are spread around the house. 

So now you know.  Whenever I take pics to show you, just remember all the Lego's that I had to move or crop out of the photo.  Ha!

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~ 


  1. Oh I love the candles and it truly is a beautiful vignette, however, the lego's are precious. Enjoy while you can. Hugs, Marty

  2. funny, funny. He sure has quite a collection! Love your candles on the sideboard, really pretty! xo

  3. Around my house it's Barbies, Littlest Pet Shops and Zoobles =)

  4. That's funny. Wow, he does have a lot. I knew he liked them, but did not know he had that many. Love the industrial clip lights over his bookcases.

  5. Your candles are beautiful.... and that IS a lot of legos!!! He does have quite the collection!LOL....We all crop every day life out of our photos. Afterall everyone knows what a messy lived in house looks like right?!?!
    Have a great week :o)

  6. I remember the sudden shocking pain of stepping on a Lego in the middle of the night.

  7. I have a HUGE tib chock full of my son's Legos! I am keeping them for him. He is 23. I let the grandkids and neighbors play with them but then I store them all away. From the looks of YOUR collection - you have a FORTUNE in Legos, too!!

  8. Beautiful vignette Kelly! WOW your son has some Lego collection!! I really like in industrial lights you have on his bookcases.

  9. Raised 4 boys....I know what it feels like to step on a lego or match box car bare foot in the middle of the night....

    Love your candle vignette.

  10. The candles look so great Kelly! Very pretty pictures too! Scott got the Harry Potter lego set for Christmas, so I understand the situation~

  11. Love the candles and boy, that is alot of Lego's but yes, you will miss it, I know I do:)

  12. That is quite the Lego collection! Love the candles and the views of your lovely home at night. So cozy looking.

  13. Kelly, what a pretty vignette! The candles are gorgeous! You know I love the crosses!! I laughed out loud about your son's Lego's!! I used to have that problem with Barbie Dolls and those little shoes!! So, I feel your pain!!!

  14. My son had Legos too. He loved them...and someday you will give just about anything to have all those Legos laying around your house again. You are right...enjoy this time. You won't ever get it back. Have a great week!

  15. LOL, if you only knew what was behind, beside, tucked away behind some of my shots. I have two very active Grandsons, too. Toys, toys everywhere. Its called Life. We don't live in a magazine cover although we would like to show that we do. *winks*

  16. My son is 43 and my grandson is 9, and neither one lives here! But, invariably, I hear a Lego being sucked up in my vacuum after they have been here visiting! I don't think it ever ends - my 43-year-old has as much fun as the 9-year-old. Sally

  17. Sorry to break it to you Kelly, but he may not move on. LOL My son is 16,and part of the Lego Club. Only it's the bigger, extremely expensive kind he's into now. Did you know you could make a very nice living if your really good. Like the grown man who travels the world making tons of money building life size examples. You just think about that. LOL

  18. LOL...we have lego's fact, I was checking out your bookcases used for storage in his room....our son has a bookcase but some of his don't we are trying to figure that out!!! I also was noticing your beautiful copper pans.....may I ask where you find most of those....are they new or antiques?

    Enjoyed this post very much!

  19. Hey, that looks a lot like my house! :-) Actually, some of those same sets are currently scattered around here too. LOL! My son got one of the remote control trains for Christmas and now we can't barely walk through his room. I'm with you though...someday we will miss it...but right now I would just like the chance to vacuum in there!

  20. First of all, I LOVE your vignette. It is one of the prettiest I've seen in Blogdom.
    Second - I hate to tell you, but the Lego thing gets worse. We finally got all the rubbermaid bins of Lego shipped to our (now grown and a father of two) son, when a couple of years ago he came home and built the Millenium Starship on our dining room table. Google it - it's a monster! It stayed there for the entire visit and we ate in the kitchen!

  21. LOL! Love the acronym, Kelly! LOL! Yep, it is Legoland at your home as long as your boys have interest.. then they will be back again with grandsons! ;) blessings ~ Tanna

  22. Hi Kelly! Oh, I can feel the pain of stepping on those little hidden Legos hiding in the shag carpeting! :)
    Now your set up on your buffet is very pretty! Love the soft candlelight!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  23. Oh sister... we are living parallel lives! I'm going to do a post someday on lego displays. I'm also starting a support group for moms of lego builders :)

    Love the candles, BTW!

  24. Maybe you have an architect in training. That's what happened to my Lego lover!

  25. The Legos bring back such memories and you are right. There will come a time when you miss them, I miss them. Your vignette is beautiful, I love candles too, especially in the winter. XO, Pinky

  26. I wouldn't change a thing! I think the legos are wonderful! What a beautiful home you have. BTW....I wanted to invite you to stop by my blog. We are having an "impossibility" challenge for 2012!

  27. Kelly, All my grandson wanted for Christmas was more legos. I can't tell you how many hours we spent that week playing with them. You'll have to visit legoland in Orlando.

  28. Kelly I adore the candles with the crosses!!

    You are the best Mom!! I love it! Lego's everywhere! You son's room is perfect also!


    Art by Karena

  29. i am adoring those pretty! & sharing that i completely envy that you have a shelf to place those lego's on...we too have them scattered! xoxo, tracie

  30. Kelly, I love the candles and the reflection in the mirror! I have always loved your initial lamp shades! The Legos make it look like home! Wow, what a collection!

  31. Hi Kelly,
    Love you Winter look and the glow from those beautiful candles...!
    We used to have one of those trends!! We spent many of hours with Legos's what a great collection. I still have the girls!
    All the Best,

  32. Kelly, Love those special Lego "vignettes". :) I miss those days.
    Love your candle vignette, too. Did you put the crosses on them? They look great.

  33. hello... i'm your newest follower 269...i'd like to invite you over for a visit and follow me when you get a chance. Your house so reminds me of my daughters...little boys little stuff sitting on all the tables, chairs, floors, name it. Our precious little boys and their toys.. So sweet! xoso Sandy

  34. That is about the sweetest thing I've seen! My little grandson is only 6months old, but I hope he's into LEGOs,
    I think they are the neatest toy for little boys.
    Your post made me smile.

  35. They are all so pretty! Very inspirational! This is the good blog with good images and good details. Please keep on posting the more stuff. I will like to hear more from you.

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  36. Hi, my name is Heather! Please email me when you can, I have a question about your blog!


  37. I love this post Kelly!

    Your sideboard is beautiful.

    The Lego's say Authentic Home!

  38. I remember the days of Legos. They really are a great invention because of the wonderful imaginative play they provide for kids.
    Your newest follower, Mary Alice

  39. Hi Kelly! Congratulations for being featured at No Minimalist Here's Open House Party! Your home is so pretty and I had forgotten you and Kim (I call her Kimmie)were sisters. How could I forget that!? :) You both have the most marvelous taste in decorating! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  40. I do believe our boys could be BF's! Jack's room is the exact same way. I used to have them all over the tables too, but he has now learned to contain them to his room, or oops Mom stepped on a piece and threw it out.

  41. You know, as the mother of six kids, four of which are boys and mostly have left legos behind (literally everywhere behind!) I wish I would of thought of decorating their room with them! We have so many, I could probably BUILD them a room!


  42. You have a very pretty home with so much inspiration. I love candles and the ones you have out now have a beautiful glow. I also love that your house is also a "home" and that your son's toys are out and that is ok..time will fly and the kids will be out of the house before you know it. I have 2 girls so no lego but they do leave their stuff everywhere! A new follower.

  43. Just popped over from Sherry's and saw that Kim's sites has a blog so of course I had to come by and visit!! LOVE your beautiful home every time Kim showed us pics of it! Your just gave me inspiration for my boys Legos!! They are now at the age where they want to keep them all built so I am thinking some book cases are in order.

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Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly