Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Meet Max

Hello everyone! 

I thought I'd introduce you to my furry BFF, Max!  He is a Boston Terrier and is 7 years old.

We got him as a puppy and have truly fallen in love with him.

That was him 6 years ago!  My how time flies.

    He is full of antics.  He loves to play outside with balls and sticks.  His favorite ball is a football. He could push that thing around the yard for hours!

He chewed that one up and then we had to get him another one this past Christmas.

 He was so excited to get to play with it in the house for a change!

When he plays with sticks, they're not just any old sticks you'd find in the yard.  He has to play with tree branches that have fallen in the woods.  They're much more exciting! 

With his small stature, you'd think that would be too big for him.  But he doesn't think so.  He can even find them in the snow.

Look how funny he looks carrying that huge branch!

He looks like he's walking a tight rope or something.  ha!

We have to be careful what type of toy we buy him to play with too.  He destroys all stuffed toys in a matter of minutes!

What were we thinking?  This poor toy never had a chance.

When he's not playing outside, he's on squirrel patrol.

He stares out windows all day hoping to go after those pesky squirrels that seem to always invade his property.  He has gotten a baby squirrel before and it made me sad.  I'm sure he just wasn't fast enough for him.  Usually, they get away from him in time.

When not hunting squirrels, or playing outside, he does what every dog loves to do.  Sleep!

His favorite area is in a spot of sunshine streaming in.

He also likes to sit up on the stair landing so he can see the front door.  He usually falls asleep on the job though.

We know he's completely comfortable when he lies like this.

He sprawls his back legs out and lies flat on his tummy.  It is the funniest thing!  Maybe it's a "breed" thing.  Our other dog never did that before.

I could bore you all day with so many pictures of things he does to bring joy to our day.  But, I'll stop here so I won't be like one of those annoying parents who whips out their kids photos all the time.  Ha! 

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~

I'm linking to the following:


  1. Max is such a doll, Kelly! He does so many things that Milo does...stalking squirrels, tearing the bits out of stuffed toys, sprawling on the floor like that {we call him the "Frog Dog"!}, and he loves lying in sun beams! Could they be related?!!


  2. I love Max! Boston's are awesome, they truly have personalities like no other and keep you smiling all the time.

  3. Looks like Mya in the face, I think both of mine need to go on a diet. I wouldn't have any other breed. they are the best


  4. And one more thing it is the breed they all lay like that. And they love to sleep under a cover...

  5. Too cute!!!
    Our "little girl" also lays like that. So funny! And she too likes to sit on the top landing so she can watch the front door. I know you love Max!

  6. No one loves us like our dogs do.

    ~Bliss~ (the photo carrying the stick is funny!)

  7. Loved the picture of Max carrying that huge stick! He is adorable.

  8. Your Max is adorable!!! I could look at your pics of him all.day.long. Bet every dog wishes THEY could lead such a charmed life with such a charming family!

  9. What a cutie pie! The pic of him carrying that big ole stick just cracked me up....what a riot! Whip those pics out anytime proud mamma....you can never bore me with fur baby pics :o)

  10. What a character. He's a cutie, too! Our beagle lays like that, too!

  11. I just love when he carries branches around the house.

  12. Max is adorable! Pets are such good company and comic relief!

  13. I will forward this to my youngest daughter. She dearly loves her Boston Maggie, which she got from the breed shelter. We had Bostons when the kids were growing up. And I had one growing up. That pic of him with the big stick is hilarious!

  14. You can whip out your Max photos anytime, Kelly!! He is a cutie!! And, STRONG carrying those sticks!! blessings ~ Tanna

  15. Max is adorable...we lost our little Boston a few years ago to old age. They are great little dogs.

  16. Kelly, these photos are adorable! I can tell that Max is well loved!! Love the photo with the stick in his mouth! Too cute!

  17. I have two pekingese who lie on the floor flat out . They usually do this for they are hot.

  18. Hi Kelly,
    Hello Max...
    He is so cute, and I can see lots of entertainment as well...
    Riley he loves to sleep on his back with his front paws straight out in the air...when he is in this position he is usually lights out for the night...
    All the Best,

  19. Hi Kelly~our dog Dillon sits like pork chop legs too!! So funny~your Max is adorable! I loved seeing him carrying that big stick. My son has two Bostons, and we call them little bully dogs...our Dillon is the big bully dog. Rugged little guys!

  20. I love your dog and all the great photos! Hope he has a long and healthy life with you.

  21. I love Boston Terriers! That is a cutie!

  22. Max is a darling boy. He is cute in the snow. No snow in Georgia this winter me thinks.

  23. Hilarious! He is so doggone cute and carrying those big long sticks? Cracks me up! Yes. tight rope walker for sure!
    What an adorable face with so much expression!
    Thanks so much for sharing him with us! Loved meeting him today.


  24. So cute! I just wrote about how our dog tears up all his soft toys, too. Love the picture of him with the big stick!

    Lynette - Sweet Posy Dreams

  25. What a cutie pie! I think Boston Terriers must have great personalities. A friend of mine and two and they are the most hilarious things ever.

  26. I am reading this at work while I have a big print job going and I realized I had a big smile on my face. It is VERY difficult to look at Max and NOT smile. Max has so much going on...he truly is enjoying life. Carrying a 3 foot long stick...he's just a little fellow!!! What a wonderful story and pictures. Please give Max a big hug for me. I can hardly wait to get home to my little AnnaBell!!!

  27. Awww, Max is sooo cute. I love seeing him with the branch. He's so funny. Thanks for letting us see Max 'up close and personal'.

  28. What a cutie! He looks like he is full of energy! Pets add such a wonderful dimension to our lives.

  29. OMG!! Your Max is adorable...thanks for sharing! These dogs of ours win our hearts...crazy love :)

  30. Max looks just like my Boston, his name is "Elvis". He also destroys stuffed toys & squeaky toys. What is it about the biggest stick in the yard? Footballs, soccer balls & baseballs are his favorites. Thanks for sharing Max with us, he's a cutiepie! Dee

  31. So cute! Thanks for sharing max!joann

  32. So cute! Thanks for sharing max!joann

  33. He is so stinkin' cute. :) Love his Robins Egg Blue collar.

  34. He is precious!!! I am a total dog person, too! My Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Bentley and Clarabel are spoiled rotten! I love my furry babies :-) Thanks for sharing!

  35. Oh, Kelly! How very sweet little Max is! I have a very soft spot in my heart for Bostons. We had a little girl Boston for 15 years. Her name was Sugar and so much of how you say Max acts, Sugar did those things too. I loved that little dog so much. Don't they have a wonderful personality? After we had to put her down (broke my heart) I wanted another dog but just couldn't get another Boston. So we got Chloe Dawn, our little mini Schnauzer and she has filled the void!
    I have tears in my eyes.
    Shelia ;)

  36. Kelly - Excellent pictures to go with your great story! I'll have to agree with everyone else ~ carrying that big stick is hilarious, but a close second is the football picture on the couch with him holding it with his feet and his tongue out. Last picture made me laugh. I have never seen anything like it!

  37. Oh my goodness Max is adorable!! And adorable blog btw! Love it:)

  38. Max is so sweet! He looks hilarious with that big stick in his mouth with his little body. He has the most adorable face! Isn't it wonderful how much sweet love our little fur babies bring to our life? Thanks for sharing the story and pictures of him. I have 2 little shih tzus and one is snoring at my feet while I type this.



Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly