Wednesday, May 8, 2013

It's a Brand New Day

Hello everyone!

I did not intend to stay away so long, but have had a good reason.  

I woke up this morning to a beautiful cool sunny day!

The grass was still wet from dew.  We've had an extraordinary amount of rain lately.  The dirt has washed up on the bottom of my neighbors fence.

There is new growth on our holly bushes.

Pots of cantaloupe plants are soaking in water waiting to be added to the garden.

Knock-Out roses are blooming finally.

Birds are out looking for food.

Crepe Myrtles are greening up.

And why is all of this so appealing to me?  Because I haven't been able to enjoy any of it until now.
I've been sick with another flare-up of Colitis.  I have been dealing with an inflammatory disease  for years before it started causing Colitis, so I feel like I have the flu whenever it strikes.  Just terrible!  
However, hopefully, these new meds will keep it at bay.  

My old ones just weren't doing the job anymore.  Remember, it was only 6 months ago when I had this last time!           W-H-A-T?????  So, what's a girl to do?  Go to the doc and ask for new medicine.  I told her I wanted to take fewer and smaller pills this time because the last batch was just too large. 

She assured me these would be small.  

You decide for yourself.

So, anyway.................I do have something new to share with you.  I recently ordered a Jeanne de Arc pillow cover to use in my dining room.

Sorry, I didn't feel like ironing it for you.  You should  see all of the housework I will be catching up on now!

I love it!  It is in here for now.  It fits a standard bed pillow and ties on the side.

Hope all of you are having a good week so far.  I am finally feeling well enough to get dressed and leave the house.  My husband has been holding down the fort as well as he can, but now I'm trying to get "the fort" back in order.  He also owes me a visit to our favorite Mexican restaurant for the dinner I missed on Cinco de Mayo.  Looking forward to that after I'm ready for rich foods again.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Oh Kelly I'm so sorry you don't feel well. I have a couple of friends who have similar problems. It seems so painful to me.

    Your new pillow is awesome!

  2. I remember when you had the last bout of colitis...I'm so sorry that this grounds you like it does. And you're so smart to go back to the doctor (big pills or not), some people just put that off when they don't need to. I hope you feel better with each passing day.

    You have so much blooming! I noticed after all the rain we had that everything seemed to bud overnight!

    I LOVE the new pillow...gorgeous! And have a wonderful Mexican dinner soon!


  3. I am so sorry to hear this!! Bless your heart! Glad you got new meds and I will say a prayer that they work better than the old ones. It's hard to enjoy life when you are sick. And that's a tough illness you have!
    Breathe in the fresh air and know that all of us in Blogland miss you when you're gone and are glad to have you back - feeling better!!!

  4. I am so sorry to hear about your colitis flare up! I've heard how horrible colitis is :( glad you're up and at em again!

  5. Oh Kelly, So Sorry to hear you haven't been well. Everything is coming up so green and lush after all the rain. Hope you can enjoy it!
    Mary Alice

  6. So sorry you have been unwell. But happy to hear you are now on the mend. Eeee, what big pills you have . Hopefully they will do the trick.
    Luving all the green.. We are having a wonderful show of colour in Florida.
    Cute pillow :-)
    Continue to feel better Kelly.
    Hugs, Gee

  7. I, too, am plagued by bouts of lymphocytic colitis and am in the midst of a flare now. Unfortunately, I've never found anything that has helped nor has my doctor. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. Glad you're on the mend.

  8. I'm sorry you've suffered another bout of your illness so soon. I certainly hope your new BIG pills are the answer for you!

    Your roses and shrubs are coming along beautifully and I love your new pillow cover!

  9. I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well. Hopefully your new meds will do the trick. They do look big though! :) I like your new pillow cover. Very pretty. My crepe myrtles seem to be a little behind this year. They haven't started blooming yet either. Mexican food sounds so good right now! Hope you get to enjoy yours soon. Take care!

  10. I didn't know you were sick. That's jus awful. In Italy we call your pills "horse pills"...because they are so big. Good luck on the swallowing. And the pillow cover looks great with the blue stripes and writing on it

  11. Oh Kelly I am sorry you have been feeling sick. I am not familiar with Colitis. Will have to look that up. Hope you feel back to normal soon. And I LOVE that new pillow!!!!

  12. Hi Kelly....sorry you have not been mother suffered for years with colitis...not pleasant...did your doctor confuse you with a horse??....those pills are mother took tiny tiny little white pills I think they were called Lomotil...they worked well...Feel better and enjoy are finally nice weather and everything in bloom....atleast the rain washed away all the pollen...

  13. Sorry you've been ill...feel better and take good care of yourself! Love the new pillow!

  14. I hope you feel better soon. My kiddo takes that medication.

  15. Sorry to hear that you had another bout of Colitis...but I'm glad to hear that you are starting to feel better. If your new pills are smaller...hate to see how big the old ones were!
    Love your new Jeanne de Arc pillow cover!! I have several issues of that it.

  16. Sorry you are having some problems.Hope you are back to your regular self very soon.

    I like your new pillow. Great shots of your yard.

  17. Love your spirit. Love the pillow. Glad you are on the mend.

  18. Kelly I am sorry you have been so sick.That sounds so dreadful! I am glad you are enjoying the outdoors! Your garden is looks lovely! Wow what a pillow! Where did you order it?From there magazine or on line?A pillow that pretty does not need to be ironed!

  19. So sorry you've been battling Colitis, but glad you're feeling better. Hugs and prayers that your new meds will work. Your yard looks great, too. I've never planted cantaloupes. Do they run all over the place like watermelons?
    Hugs, and take care.

  20. Poor thing. :( I hope your new medicine does the trick and that you feel better soon. Those new pills still look pretty big to me!
    Your new pillow is super gorg! The perfect, perfect pillow for that bench. (until you find the next pretty pillow, lol!)

  21. Gorgeous blooms I hope you gt better!

  22. I hope the new mess work. I feel your pain and it sucks when it flaires up. I've had crohn's for 12 years now and it's never fun when your sick, it just knocks you on your butt literally lol. Buy the way I want your pillow I'm in love.

    All the best in a speedy recovery.

  23. Hi Kelly, Hope those new big pills work & you are feeling better soon. Your new pillow is lovely!

  24. Hello! I am so sorry to hear of another bout of colitis that you suffered. I sincerely pray that the new medication (small pills????) will put you on the road to recovery. Also thankful you can enjoy your garden and note all that is going on in said place. Happy that you got to order your new pillow cover. Take heart and trust in GOD for your recovery (I know, easier said than done). As for all that housework to catch up on...take it easy in tackling it all at one will always be there tomorrow...LOL.

  25. Oh Kelly..I am so sorry to had a reoccurrence...what a debilitating condition...glad you are feeling better and getting out in that beautiful yard...and love the looks beautiful on the bench! Hope you feel better each day!!!

  26. I'm glad you're good enough to admire the new pillow rather than just lay your head on it. Hope you get out for your dinner and blooming yard soon.


  27. I am so sorry to hear about your illness, I know that colitis is tough. I hope you feel better everyday and stronger. You are in my thoughts.

    The pillow is a beauty and so are all those pictures.


  28. Hope you're feeling better Kell

  29. Kelly...
    Your blog looks so great. So does your garden. Your pills? I would call them "horse" pills....not an easy swallow. I am sorry you have been sick again. I remember when you were sick last time. Hope your "horse" pills help you. Looks like you are having some pretty sunny days. Yay!

  30. Sending prayers your way, Kelly. Feel better, my friend. Love your flowers, and, the pillow cover.

  31. Sorry to hear you had another flare up, Kelly. Hopefully the new meds will be more helpful. Cute pillow too. Take your time tackling some of those projects and rest a bit too.

  32. Kelly I's so sorry that I missed this post.
    Hope you are feeling much better!

  33. Your gardens are looking lovely, Kelly! Now is when I start to get really excited because I can buy some plants and get to planting. I always wait until Mother's Day {last frost} to put new plants in. Love your roses. I have one on my list to add this year.

    Happy Mother's Day!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly