Thursday, August 8, 2013

Interior Therapy with Jeff Lewis

Hello everyone!

It has been a very busy week here, but I just wanted to pop in to let you know about a new show I found on Bravo TV.  Do you get that channel?  The name of the show is called Interior Therapy with Jeff Lewis.  He used to have a show called Flipping Out.  I like his newest show so much better!  

If you haven't seen this show (I don't think it's brand new), you really MUST!  It is so fun to watch.  He basically goes into people's homes and not only redesigns their home but also makes suggestions on how they can redesign their lives.  It's a mix of interior design with psychiatry.  I love that mix!  Genius!  I think many of us can find something in one of the episodes to relate to also.  

Here is a link to a preview of one of the next episodes coming on.

So far, I've only seen two episodes.  The funniest one was of the couple, Patrick & Pol.   Here are some pics of the makeover Jeff did for them.

You wouldn't believe how awful this place looked before Jeff got a hold of it!  

Then, I saw the Bick's Family episode.

Their home was dominated by their only child that consumed their life.  It basically looked like a day care center before.  Now, it looks pretty amazing huh?  

Of course, what makes this show so great are the couples that need work, not their homes.  

So, if you get a chance, go check out this show!  You will be hooked like me, I'm sure!

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. We don't own a television, so I can't watch it, but I think it would be fun to have someone come in and stage my house.

  2. I like that show, too, Kelly! He really does great makeovers on the homes that he's called to.

  3. Do you think he would just come in and pack for me while patting me on the shoulder. I could sure use that. Pretty spaces :) xo Laura

  4. Kelly,
    That show looks like a hoot. I am so going to watch it. Thanks for sharing. Love shows like this.

  5. need to go on hulu and see if I can watch it online. Sounds like a fun show

  6. Kelly, I like the show too! Did you see the Castle episode? It was quite a challenge.

  7. Thanks, Kelly! I rarely watch TV so I never know if there is something on that I'd like! My daughter gets me hooked on decorating shows but I can never keep track of the times or channels. I have to look for this!


  8. Thanks for sharing about this show. I'll have to check it out.

  9. Kelly, It sound sounds like my kind of show. I don't know if I get Bravo. I'll have to check it out.

  10. Hmmm.... I'm not so sure I want a makeover enough to get analyzed on national tv. I can only imagine what he'd say about why my Feng Shui is really off!

  11. I do watch the show when I have time. I watched his other show as well. Jeff is brutally honest. I like that.

  12. Love his show....I have it DVR'd so I do not miss it!!

  13. I didn't know about this show. I will have to check it out for sure. Thanks for the tip.


  14. I wasn't aware of this show. Thanks for letting us know about it! Sounds like something I'd like. I love home decor shows! :)

  15. Looks great..I'll have to check it out...

  16. I am SO going to check this out!!!!
    Hey, KELLY!!! I am finally starting my GRAY life!!! Have put stucco on the hall walls and will kiltz it all tonight and start painting tomorrow. 5 shades of gray paint. Also redoing a mirror and corner cabinet and such. I am SO excited!! You KNOW how long I have admired your gray things.....

  17. Thanks Kelly! We get that channel but I haven't seen the program. I'm checking it out. His designs look really nice. Thanks again.
    xo Babs

  18. Kelly, this is one of my favorite shows! I was just telling my mom about it today! I agree, I like this one even better than his last show :)

  19. That dinning room is just dreamy!

  20. I love this show. I watched it last year and have watched it this year too. I like it better than Flipping Out also but I think Flipping Out will be back later in the year. I just love Jeff Lewis...although he doesn't seem to be the best person to help with mental problems considering his own mental health. But I think it's mostly show. I love him on Property Envy too. He is way funny.

  21. I haven't seen this show but will look for it!

  22. I’m from Portugal, could not see the show, but de picture you post are amazing! Thanks for sharing so good job. Evelyne

  23. Hi Kelly, I love the paint colors in those rooms. My only child is taking up vast amounts of my time right now but that is okay for now. Forgive me for not stopping by sooner. xo, olive

  24. I lové hors slows béen following him for years, he is so direct to the point with his clients and takes no guff. Jeff is so funny with his dry sense humor, not to mention the outcome is always a plus in designs of what he creates for these most of the time nutty clients lol!

    Thank you for this share, will be watching right along with you :)

    Beautiful August to you.



Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly