Monday, March 31, 2014

Loving Stripes

Hello everyone!

Thank you all for such sweet anniversary wishes on my last post!  My husband and I went out to eat to celebrate and enjoyed a quiet weekend together.  

I wanted to share some new striped pillows that I've been enjoying lately.  The pattern reminds me of mattress ticking.

I added a rectangular beige striped pillow on my sofa.  It's just enough to add without it becoming jumbled full of pillows again.

It has a down insert in it and is from Ralph Lauren.

Then I found this black striped one in a square shape for my bed.

It adds just enough pattern and color to compliment other items in the room without being too busy.

Spring break is officially here for my youngest son.  We will be taking some time to do something fun this week.  Luckily, our weather couldn't be nicer too!  It is shorts and tank top weather around here.  Hard to believe that just a couple of days ago I needed a jacket and an umbrella!  

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. I love those Kelly, the ticking stripe is so neat and looks great on your couch and bed!

  2. Love the pillows Kelly. They look great. Enjoy that weather so jealous. We got up to 62 today here outside Chicago and it felt pretty wonderful too. Have fun with your son on Spring Break this week.

  3. Fabulous pillows...I love any kind of ticking!!! Enjoy your beautiful weather :o)

  4. You can't go wrong with ticking!
    Cute pillows Kelly!!
    It's warmed up here today to 50 degrees whooohoo!!!

  5. You have the perfect house and décor to have lovely stripped pillows.

    I guess the only strips I don't like are Prison clothes stripes..HaHa...However...perhaps you could get some old prison clothes and make pillows...Just kidding...sorry for my sick sense of humor.

  6. Kelly-Did you get that pillow at Homes Good/TJ Maxx-the rectangular one? I had that same pillow (I believe) in my hand YESTERDAY and put it back because I thought- do I really need another pillow? lol It was by Ralph Lauren, too. xo Diana

  7. I love your striped pillows. Yes, the weather could not be better. Perfect time for Will's spring break.

  8. Your striped pillows are great! I am enjoying this warmer weather too.

  9. Like your new pillows. I love the stripes too.

    Have fun this week. Glad the weather will be nice.

  10. Love those pillows! I'm a sucker for stripes.

  11. The pillows look great! Have a wonderful spring break :)

  12. The pillow looks so soft even in the picture. Enjoy Spring break...we just finished ours :)

  13. Kelly...I love those pillows!! It reminds me of ticking and I love black ticking and red ticking a lot. Have a wonderful time while your son is off for Spring break. My granddaughter had her Spring break last week and we had us some Grandma and granddaughter time...and went shopping together.

  14. The pillows look great, Kelly. I always think stripes look so "smart." So envious of your "shorts" weather! Enjoy your spring break!

  15. The pillow looks lovely sitting there among the white ones. I have some fabric similiar to that one, might just make me one.

  16. The stripe pillows look perfect against the white background. Our area is also on spring break and we started off with some nice warm temps but not quite shorts and tank top weather!

  17. I just love ticking Kelly..No tank tops here but at least we can shed our coats in the afternoon..Enjoy the day.

  18. Have fun on spring break! I've been taking a bit of a blogging break, but I try to visit you as often as I can! xoxo

  19. Love the pillows and Happy Anniversary! I hope you enjoy Spring Break ... thankfully, it's going to be a beautiful week here in SC, too!

  20. I love the striped pillows. They add just enough to the room. Have fun on your son's spring break and how wonderful you have glorious weather too!

  21. Awesome pillows.....Your Couch looks beautifuL!

  22. Ticking is such a great fabric it works with so many other fabrics. It is also nice a crisp.


  23. Great pillows RL !!...have a wonderful Spring Break..yes, crazy weather...hope we do not go from Winter to Summer!

  24. I love the blue stripe. I have some similiar fabric. I need to drag out my sewing machine and work on several projects. It's shorts and tank top weather here too. Praise the Lord! Hopefully winter is gone!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly