Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Fun Evening

Hello everyone!

Last night, my husband and I went to have dinner at my childhood friends house. We haven't seen each other in several years, so it was so exciting to reunite. We had the best time!  She lives in an old neighborhood and just recently had a company revamp her backyard.  That included a wonderful fire pit too!  Come along and I'll show you some of what they had done.

Here we are sitting around the fire pit having wine and snacks before dinner.

From left, Beth (my friend), her husband, my husband.

I told my husband that we MUST have one of these fire pits now.  Isn't it nice?!

Her backyard got a complete makeover because they had a lot of water drainage problems.  They came in and added a lot of river rock to allow the water to flow better through their yard during a rain storm.  This little bridge carries you over one of those sections.

This part of her back yard has grass and big boulders with plants surrounding it.  These pictures don't do it justice.

I forgot to take pictures of the other side of the yard, but she had some trees planted with landscape lighting added.  So pretty!

And here we are together!  We have been friends since we were little bitty. She was even a bridesmaid in my wedding.

(Note:  She wasn't wearing any makeup because she was just getting over having the Shingles rash on her face.  Yikes!) Don't worry, she wasn't contagious. 

Aren't childhood friends the BEST?  Do you still keep in touch with your old friends?

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Kelley, So happy you still have your childhood friend. It's a wonderful connection. Their yard looks very nice. xooxo, Susie

  2. Sounds like a great evening Kelly! Your friends yard looks BEAUTIFUL!!

  3. Their yard is gorgeous! I love the fire pit and all those boulders are fantastic! How neat that you've kept up with each other through the years. Love the pic of the two of you!

  4. Your friend's backyard looks delightful! Love the fire pit.
    Mary Alice

  5. Oh look how beautiful you both are! How fun! She has a lovely yard too!

  6. Look how adorable the two of you are together. How wonderful to still have childhood friends to get together with. xo Laura

  7. What a great evening, Kelly! Love your friend's yard and fire pit.

  8. Kelly- That backyard is beautiful! I love the firepit, too. You definitely need one of those!!!

    It is always so much fun to reconnect with old friends and pick up right where you left off. Have a wonderful night- xo Diana

  9. What a fun night and what a wonderful fire pit.

  10. Hi Kelly oh what a fun visit. I still see my childhood friends when going to Germany!!!!! sweet memories

  11. Your friends back yard is wonderful! It sounds like it was a great evening.

  12. Love your friend's backyard. Yes...I'm still friends with my best friend that I've had since we were 10 years old and that has been over 40 some years!

  13. There's no friend like an old friend! You're both beautiful!

    We are in desperate need of a backyard makeover too. I can relate to the water drainage issues. They did a wonderful job!

  14. You are so blessed to have childhood friends!! LOVE her back yard!!!!

  15. Childhood friends are the very best! My BFF and I have been together since 5th grade. We are 51 now!! :)

  16. Kelly,
    How sweet to spend the time with your long time friend. That fire pit is gorgeous. Love the sweet pic of the two of you. Have a great start to the new week.

  17. What a great time and connection to make. They have a beautiful yard.


  18. How fun Kelly, love seeing old friends, Saturday was my class reunion so I got to see friends from grade school also,
    Love the fire pit too!

  19. How pretty her yard is. We have a natural drainage area in the yard filled with rock and we call it the rock river. If we get a huge downpour it sounds like being next to a rushing river. I love it!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly