Thursday, October 23, 2014

Furniture Changes

Hello everyone!

Well, I promised to show you what happened to the chest in my foyer and the coffee table in the family room, so here it goes..............

The coffee table got repainted in a grey.  The blue always seemed to stand out too much, so grey was a logical change.

I used a grey color from Benjamin Moore, called Chelsea Grey.  I already had this paint on hand.  

I can't tell you how much happier everyone is (including me actually) that this coffee table is back in position.  It really just fits this space better and the way we use this room.

I moved the chest in here, too, where the chair used to be.  Then the chair was placed by the fireplace.

So, everything found a new home.  The grey wooden chair that was in here moved to the dining room.  I'll show that to you in another post. Whew!  That was a lot of furniture moving.  

I have been nursing a bad hip all week.  It started hurting last week and then started feeling better last weekend.  Of course, that's when I started making all of these changes.  Then, my hip got VERY mad at me and started giving me muscle spasms.  It was awful!  So I've been taking it easy all week so that it would feel good enough to go to the Country Living Fair tomorrow.  So far, I think the inflammation has gone down enough to allow me to go.  Fingers crossed that it stays that way!  

I will take my camera so I can share my trip with you.

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. The coffee table looks great! Hope your hip continues to mend well and have fun at the Country Living fair!

  2. The coffee table looks great painted gray...have fun at the CLF I can't wait for June when it will be back here in NY!!

  3. The coffee table looks so pretty in grey! I love when I already have paint on hand and can just whip it out for a project. Hope your hip keeps getting better and better. Have fun at the fair!

  4. Love the coffee table. Hope you are feeling better - try applying some Arnica gel/cream. You can buy it in health food stores or drug stores. It has really helped me when I have back or neck problems and my friend's doctor had suggested it when she had knee surgery.

  5. I love the coffee table in your family room.....the new grey color is very pretty too! I hope your hip is better so you can go to the fair. I am still nursing my shoulder and arm and am about to go crazy not being able to do anything. Have a great weekend!!!!

  6. Everything looks great.

    I wish I had the space for a coffee table like yours. I love the square look.

    Take care of that hip and don't overdo it!

  7. Kelly, I love the changes! I feel your pain-I hurt my back over the weekend! Hope you feel better and have a fabulous time at the CL Fair! :)

  8. Very nice changes Kelly. The coffee table looks beautiful in grey.
    here's to feeling better for the weekend's fair!
    Hugs, Gee

  9. Kelly, The gray of the table makes the pillows pop more. Very nice. xoxo,Susie

  10. Looks excellent and functional too!

    Healing prayers sending up for you.

  11. Your family room is so pretty! And I agree with the ladies...the coffee table looks lovely painted gray. Have fun at the fair and I hope you feel better so you can enjoy it!

  12. All your switching around turned out nicely. Hope your hip feels better! Have fun at the fair.

  13. I love all of the changes and updates, Kelly! Looks fabulous! Hope your hip feels better soon!

  14. super changes, and yes the grey table top looks awesome!!!!!

  15. I love the look of the gray on your furniture, Kelly...makes me want to break out the paintbrush! Hope your hip is feeling better soon!

  16. Hi Kelly,
    I love love that coffee table so glad you moved it back into the room. It looks so great. Have fun at the Country Living Fair. I hear the one by you is so great. Enjoy and hope your hip feel ok for all the walking you will do. I just put up a post on the sale of my sectional. I so wish you lived closer it would look so sweet with your coffee table.

  17. your coffee table looks great with the gray painted top.

  18. I love the new color. I'm so glad the family is happy.

  19. Sure hope your hip is doing better so you can enjoy the Country Living Fair!
    Mary Alice

  20. All so very lovely...I come to your blog when I don't have time to look at magazines...cause you do better than most mags.

  21. I think the coffee table is the one that looks best Kelly, it really goes so well in the room!
    I hope your hip is feeling better and that your trip to Country Living is wonderful!

  22. Hope your hip is better and that you get to go to the Country Living Fair.

  23. looks good. i love the new color. i have one more change that you could make is to put the wicker trunks where you have the chest right now. have you ever put anything on the wall and not in front of the stairs? if you move the chest back there some time i would love to see you try it there but for now rest and i hope you can go to the fair tomorrow so i can see the pic.

  24. It looks great Kelly! I can see why you guys enjoy this table... I've struggled with hip pain this week too. Sciatica is what I think I have. Anyways, I hope you're feeling better and have a great time at the fair. Looking forward to seeing all the goodies!

  25. Love the new homes Kelly...hope your hip gets better so you can go to the CL Fair...looking forward to pics...will miss you guys this year!!!

  26. I can understand why you and your family would like the table where it is. It's quite substantial and very practical. I have always found I most enjoy tables that are like that. Something where you can put food on when company comes is great, and it does work with your space nicely.

    Question Kelly...have you always had captcha? I don't remember seeing it until recently, and as I'm looking at one of the words I am not sure I can read it.

    (Update: I had to change it twice but made it.). :)

  27. Everything looks so wonderful. You have such talent. Send a little my way lol.
    I hope you get to go to Country Living. It would be a shame to miss it.

  28. Kelly, the word verification is still there. This time it was a bit easier to read as it was just numbers, but it's definitely there. Maybe you can ask some of your other readers if they see it?

  29. love love this big coffee table, it looks wonderful and perfect gray on top!

  30. Your room always looks great but I do like the large coffee table as they are especially handy with a family.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly