Monday, January 26, 2015

Bathroom Remodel Day One

Hello everyone!

When I left you on Friday, we were having terrible weather.  But, on Saturday and Sunday, that all changed and we finally had some nice sunshine.  Today, we're back to terrible weather.  Oh well!  At least it was nice during the weekend, right?

By the way, we saw the movie American Sniper (as planned) and I just have to say that I loved it!  By saying that, it doesn't mean that I'm "pro war" or anything.  It was a movie that showed the human side of  war and what it does to our soldiers when they come back home.  It will leave you proud of  our soldiers and the sacrifice that they make for all of us here.  

Ok, moving on..............

We have begun the first steps of remodeling our bathroom.  I use the word "remodel" loosely though.  We are not moving any walls or anything.  My husband brought home the light fixtures I chose.

We bought them from Home Depot and they were SO affordable!

Here is a pic of the old ones we had.

They weren't bad, but I was tired of them and didn't like that I could see the light bulbs so much.

Here is the new one.

See the light yellow paint color?  Ugh!  Can't wait for that to be gone.  We will be painting over it soon!

Tomorrow, we're going to be removing our shower enclosure and painting the brass trim with an oil rubbed bronze color spray paint. (We'll have to do this in our garage due to the weather.)  My husband found a tutorial on You Tube that shows how to do this.  I will share the procedure with you as well.  Keeping fingers crossed that it turns out well.  Otherwise, it will cost us over $1000 for a new shower enclosure!  

Also, this bookcase in our bathroom is moving out!  I have exciting plans for it elsewhere in my house though.

I used it to hold towels, but they will go back in the linen closet.  I've ordered a black metal hook rack  to hang on this wall instead. 

I will hang white towels on it.

I've already selected the rest of the fixtures for this room.  So, it's only a matter of installing everything at this point.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Oh exciting, Kelly- I am so happy for you! It's difficult and messy but oh so awesome being able to change and update homes. Yours is going to be fabulous when you get done! Looking very forward to your sharing the process! : - )

Good luck with it all!

Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

It's going to look great! Can't wait to see the finished product. You sure picked out some pretty light fixtures. :)

Linda said...

Changing things around is always exciting! I'm doing some of that myself today!

Stacey said...

It's going to be pretty....I have no doubt!

Junkchiccottage said...

Hi Kelly,
The bathroom updo looks like it will be a fun process. Love the new light. I have that exact light in my master bathroom. I painted it white but love the shape and look of it. I look forward to seeing your progress.

Jane@Bluebird1959 said...

Looking good, Kelly! You are off to a great start. Jane

Jane@Bluebird1959 said...

Looking good, Kelly! You are off to a great start. Jane

Linda said...

How fun! Great light fixture. Liked the old as well.
Can't wait to see the rubbed bronze look!
Stay warm my friend.

Unknown said...

hey Kelly, I just love checking out your bathroom remodel progress at the same time our bath remodel is going on. I feel as though I have a partner in crime! Love the light fixtures you chose. They have a classic, timeless look. Good luck with the spray paint DIY - sounds a bit tricky. Our radiator is waiting to be painted in our guestroom -I've been procrastinating!

Deserae said...

Love your new light!!! I'm sure your shower enclosure will turn out fabulous. I spray painted a bunch of fixtures when we had our "new" house and when I spoke to the new owner several years later she said they were holding up just fine. In fact she had no idea they were spray painted. Can't wait to see more progress....

Art and Sand said...

So jealous - we desperately need a bathroom makeover because our 1927 tub is wearing out. I want a major renovation though.

Have fun getting your bathroom completed.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

This is going to be fun watching the makeover! I am looking forward to seeing how you paint over the brass.

Miss Merry said...

Lighting fixtures are amazing! Can't wait to see what you do to the bronze, too. We need to re-do our bathroom - I will be watching for ideas I can "steal"!

Miss Merry said...

Lighting fixtures are amazing! Can't wait to see what you do to the bronze, too. We need to re-do our bathroom - I will be watching for ideas I can "steal"!

Miss Merry said...

Lighting fixtures are amazing! Can't wait to see what you do to the bronze, too. We need to re-do our bathroom - I will be watching for ideas I can "steal"!

Unknown said...

Your plans sound great, Kelly! That light is on my short list for our ensuite bathroom. We have the original (16 years) ugly builder lights in there still. Spray painting the shower stall trim sounds like a great idea. It is still very cold here but we aren't expecting new snow until later in the week.

Katie Mansfield said...

This all sounds fabulous. I hope the shower enclosure project works. :) If so, that will be exciting. I love your new light fixtures. I'm not wild about the ones we chose two years ago but it was all they had and I was tired of the remodel. Blessings to you as you live with dust. I can't wait to see.

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

Very exciting Kelly...can't wait to see more!

Blondie's Journal said...

Your bathroom is going to look great! HD is the first place I look for light fixtures...there are so many choices online. This is really pretty. I can't wait to see how it all changes. Very smart to do the shower as you are. I knew without looking that the hook thing was from Antique Farmhouse!!! That is a dangerous website!! Ha! I just ordered two things the other day. Sometimes it takes a long time for things to arrive, and I always ask myself if it's "original" enough or if I could get it cheaper at Homegoods...then I order! :)

I didn't know what American Sniper was about...I thought Bradley Cooper was playing a villain. Then last weekend my husband was watching an interview with Chris Kyle on TV...right before he died. What an amazing person, father, soldier, wet he was. His wife said that Bradley Cooper had him down to the last detail. I also read on FB that when people come out of the theater, it's totally silent...that's how much impact the movie has. I will watch it when it comes out on Netflix, I need closed caption.

Gloomy wet weather here, too.

Brenda Pruitt said...

Sounds like you're rip-roaring to go and already getting things going! Good luck. I'd hate for you to have to pay that $1000!

Unknown said...

After 6 moths of Broken marriage, my husband left me with two kids, I felt like ending it all, i almost committed suicide because he left us with nothing, i was emotionally down all this while. Thanks to a prophet called saibaba of saibaba temple which i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I came across several of testimonies about this particular prophet. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure cancer,and other sickness, some testified that he prayed to stop divorce and get a good paid job so on. He is amazing, i also come across one particular testimony, it was about a woman called trisha , she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 2 days, and at the end of her testimony she dropped his email.After reading all these, I decided to give it a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 48hours, my husband came back to me. We resolved our issues, and we are even happier than ever. prophet saibaba you are a gifted man and thank you for everything you had done in my life. If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine prophet, Try him anytime, he is the answer to your problems. you can contact him on

cynthia lee designs said...

Can't wait to see the redo...when you get it all done. We are hoping to redo both of our bathrooms in the need future and I've been looking online for ideas.
We got 3 inches of snow today and they are calling for freezing rain on Thursday. I'm so ready for Spring.

Debby said...

We should update our bathrooms. It's hard to know what the next person that lives her will want. Yes, we are relisting soon Neither my husband or myself are looking forward to it. If we didn't need to move we wouldn't for sure. Just can't take another six months of this.
We haven't seen the movie yet. I usually don't like this kind of a movie but I know it is a true story. I babysat while my son and his wife went. We were so worried about him seeing it. Partially because he was there The other reason being his involvement with the aftermath of the theater shooting in Colorado. He had the worst of all jobs in that theater. He did okay but now I am worried that this will have an effect on myself. I have gone to the movies since but I am always on guard. Wow, I just took your post to a whole other level, sorry.
Good luck with your bath. Can't wait to see it finished.

Wanda said...

What a fun project. Living in an apartment, there isn't much we can do. But when we moved in it had been completely redone, so everything was new and clean.

So my plan is to assessorize.....HaHa

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

That's exciting, Kelly! I can't wait to see how it all turns out. I really like that metal hook rack.

Rosy said...

I would love to do a makeover here at our home, however money is short for us as a rule. I like your older lights as well as your newer lights too.

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Great light fixture and sounds like you have great plans for the remodel....Looking forward to seeing all of your progress...Have not seen that movie yet, we plan to hopefully this weekend....Have a great day Kelly!

Sherry @ Thrift My House said...

Kelly! I have the same older light fixtures! I've painted them many times. I've looked for new ones a few times but selection around here is poor. I love your new fixtures. The updates you have in mind sound beautiful! I'm not getting around to painting my bathroom until March. I'll get a lot of ideas from you! Have a good rest of the week.

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

I'm loving the way things are shaping up Kelly! HD has some pretty nice things and it's always worth it to give them a try first. Hope you don't have to shell out $1000!

(P.S. Please stop by my blog today. A dog needs our help)


This N That said...

Looks like you're off to a good start Kelly..Can't wait to see the finished project..

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

This is going to look great, your choices...and I think painting the shower enclosure will look great! It's going to feel like you have a lot of space in there when the bookcase is removed! Looking forward to seeing more!

Cynthia said...

Great light fixtures Kelly. HD and Lowes have come along way with their lighting haven't they? I can't wait to see the movie either.


Mike Stathos said...

Wow. It’s stunning and just gorgeous. I like the cabinets, vanities and especially draw.Beautiful job!
Bathroom renovations Austin