Friday, January 6, 2017

Where did the Armoire Go?

Hello everyone!

How was your holiday?  Kids are now back in school and life has resumed back to normal here.  That means that I have some bad habits to break now.  Over the holidays, I slept late and didn't go to the gym very much.  So...........time to get back to my old routine! I must say it feels good to do that though.

  One exercise that I did manage to do was moving furniture around.  Remember in my last post, I made some changes to the family room.  Well, one of them was to remove the large pieces of furniture next to the fireplace.  One of them was my super large armoire with glass doors.  I moved it to the sitting room where it can now be a focal point of that room.  

I really like it in here.  It's such a large piece that it needed it's own wall.   I then had to move the chest of drawers that was on that wall.  It's now between the windows.

Of course, some accessory changes had to happen too.  I decided to not use the grey ornate mirror above the chest because I didn't want it to compete with the huge armoire in the room.  So, I went very simple on the wall. 

 I'm loving the furniture shuffle so far.  

Our TV armoire has been changed as well.  I will share what we did in an upcoming post.  It's no longer the elephant in the room that it was!  

We may get some snow this weekend!  I'm very excited about it.  Why?  Because we hardly ever get snow here.  So, it's a treat for sure.  If we do, it will be brief, but beggars can't be choosers, right?

Hope you all have a great weekend!

~ Kelly ~


NanaDiana said...

That looks good in there and makes a great focal point. It is strong enough to stand on its own and looks great on that wall. I think your other piece looks great tucked between the windows, too. xo Diana

Stacey said...

I know I keep saying this but I loved your house long ago and now it's even more beautiful!

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

Yup. What Stacey said ;).


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Everything looks great in it's new places! We are getting our first snow too. They are predicting 2-4 inches.

Veronica said...

I love your looks so peaceful and pretty!

Christine at Little Brags said...

Super idea, I love that armoire in there!!!! I am so behind on my blog reading, sorry that I have not visited you in a few weeks!!! XOXOXO

ferncreekcottage said...

The armoire looks so great in its new spot!

This N That said...

much better...

Pinehurst Farm said...

Just beautiful! Love the new changes! Looking forward to your next post!

Debra said...

I love the changes. The armoire is such a lovely piece of furniture.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

I love the armoire in that room. It looks so much bigger there. Nice changes.

Little Farmstead said...

Love it Kelly! Such a stunning room! ~julie

Naomi said...

I like the changes you made very much. Your room looks well-balanced as it is arranged now. That is a beautiful armoire. I also like the light neutral tones you are using and I am absolutely crazy about the curtains you have in the room. I bought some feed sack curtains for a very good price recently and when I hung them they were way too long and with the light coming though the window behind them they had a yellowish tone to them which I really disliked. They were also very stiff. So I thought I would wash them, in cold water, of course, to see if that softened them. Well, that was a disaster! They did soften but they also shrunk about a foot or more! So now I have these grossly too-short curtains that still have the yellowish cast. So disappointing. And I'm stuck with them as, before I washed them I tried to return them, but the company wouldn't take them back.

All that to say I love your curtains. They look not a bit yellowish and the ruffle at the top is so attractive. And...they are not a bit too short! Would you be willing to tell me where you found them?

Welcome said...

As always, your home is breathtaking.

Vickie @ Ranger 911 said...

Kelly, your armoire is now the star of the show on its own wall in your sitting room! It looks so pretty against your shiplap wall. It's taking me forever to get our house back together after Christmas because I'm trying to rearrange every tabletop and wall along the way. I'm finding that I need to shop for a few new things, but we're at -25 degrees this weekend, so I'll be shopping online. :o)

My husband is so tired of shoveling for us and our neighbors on either side that he'd be glad to send some snow your way. I personally love a dusting of the fresh white stuff every day. Let it snow!

Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

I love all your changes. It's so much fun to do the furniture shuffle. :) Glad to see on IG that you got your snow! We're bitterly cold here, but no snow. And it'll be back up to 75 next week. That's Texas for ya. :)

chateau chic said...

It's amazing how moving such a large statement piece can give a room a whole new look. The best thing is that it doesn't cost anything to move things around. Your armoire looks beautiful taking center stage on this wall. Love the height it brings as well to the arrangement.
Mary Alice

Katie Mansfield said...

It looks wonderful there. What did you do with the secretary? I can't wait to see.